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he better mean it
After he left, you just sat there bored, but you were still thinking about him. You couldn't stop thinking about him. You began to do some cleaning even though everything was already clean.

After an hour, only a couple costumers came in. it was 3:20pm now.
"Geez today is so slowwwww" you complained. You went to sit in your chair and leaned your head back and closed your eyes. Suddenly the bell bursted ringing
A teenage girl was freaking out. You jumped. Two other girls were with her. These girls had school uniforms on so you assume they had just gotten out of school. You gave them a confused look

"AHHH DID YOU SEE THEM? WHAT'D THEY LOOK LIKE UP CLOSE?" One girl yelled in your face.

"Excuse me?" you were annoyed. These girls are so impolite. Then you realized how they knew SVT was just in the bakery.

"How did you know they were here?" you said

"Uhh, Paparazzi is pretty quick, old lady" Another girl answered

Paparazzi? They were here?
You weren't surprised.

"Well, if you aren't here to buy something then I suggest you leave" You tried to say as nicely as possible through your irritated mood.

"Wow your rude" A girl said.

Rude? Hypocrites.
The girl whispered to the other "What if they come back? I don't want to leave."

"I know right" the other responded

"I doubt they're coming back. Don't you girls have cram school?"

"We're skipping today. I mean who wants to study and miss a boy group!"

You rolled your eyes.
"Well like I just said, If you aren't here to buy something then please go."

"Yeah whatever!"

They left your shop.
Goodness those girls were mean. Are all teenagers today this disrespectful? How could paparazzi be so quick? What if other people came to your shop only to wait for the boys to come back? You were kinda worried.
You went back to sitting and doing your own thing. Some other costumers came in throughout the day. They made small talk about SVT coming in, but they weren't as annoying as the girls. It's like all of today was about them. Hanni's birthday, They come in, little girls come in to see them, all the costumers question about them.
Nothing else interesting happened that day. it was 8:00pm. Closing time.

You closed the shop, went home, you told your mother about the day and got ready for bed.

While in bed you thought about Jeonghan. Thinking about how much he's changed. He got taller, and cuter.

Your phone buzzed. It was a text


'glad I saw you today! I'll come again tmr, good night y/n.'

You smiled. It was the first text he sent to you in years.


"me too! happy birthday, gnn"

'thank you :)'

That was part one of chapter 5, part two is going to be Jeonghan's pov after he left the shop. Thank you for reading! Stayed tunedddd

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