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In the car, on the way to Pledis to meet the rest of the members

You were sitting straight up in the passenger seat, fidgeting your thumbs with an unsettling feeling in your chest and your stomach.

"Are you okay? What's got you so nervous" Jeonghan questioned, he sounded pretty concerned.

"Oh you know, just casually meeting one of the most popular boy groups as if I were going to meet some new friends"
Your voice trembled.

"That's exactly what you're doing." He faced you for a split second and then he put his eyes back on the road

"Yes, but the first time they saw me they probably thought I didn't know you. Then I blew up revealing that I DID know you. Now I have to explain everything. Not to mention that I've only looked at them as if they were celebrities but now it doesn't feel that way and-" You were rambling and Jeonghan cut you off,

"-and you'll be fine. They're nice guys. Trust me they want to meet you, and the explanation thing is easy. Just simply tell them what happened between us" He said so calmly.

"Ughhh!" You let your body fall back into the seat and let your head drop into your hands.

He reached over and patted your head.
"We're going to stop by somewhere to get food for everyone before we get there"

"Okay" You said hiding your head in your arm, You were still nervous.

After stopping by a restaurant to get the food, which was two full bags, you headed to Pledis.
Once you got there you were greeted by a nice women at the front desk, Jeonghan gave a gesture indicating that you were with him. She offered you a little water bottle, which you took, and you both started walking to their practice room.

"You seem to have a pretty long break Jeonghan" You say as you open the water to drink. Its been almost an hour since he picked you up.

"Hm? Oh, my break ended 30 minutes go-"

You choked on your water andcut him off by coughing.
"30 minutes?"

"-Buuut I had to get food and they knew I was picking you up"

After you coughed out the water from your lungs you blinked and let out of simple "Oh"

As you were walking down the hall you could hear the faint sound of one of their songs echoing in the hall. The music got louder as you approached a door, Jeonghan opened the door and let you go in first. The music was loud and you walked in watching 12 boys dance in sync not taking their focus off of the dance, but they were still having fun as they were laughing and yelling to the moves. You watched them in awe. Jeonghan grabbed the bag you were holding and placed both bags on a nearby table. You just stood there watching.

Eventually the song ended and they were all exhausted.
"Um, Hello!" You said with an awkward smile with a bow and the a little wave

"Hello!" They said in almost unison also giving a bow in return. Seems to be a reoccuring thing with them.

Suddenly, a bunch of questions came up
"You must be that girl Dino was talking about"
"What's your name?", "How long have you known Jeonghan?", etc.

You heard some of them teasing Jeonghan too.

"Guys this is y/n, Leave her alone, There's food go eat" You heard Jeonghan interrupt them. You gave a sigh of relief, then went over and helped pass out the food. You heard lots of thank you's and you gave a lot of bows. You heard some whispering amongst them. Ahh this was so scary to you. They all eventually ended up sitting in a circle in the middle of them room, Jeonghan joined in with them and there was a little space for you beside him. The boy on the other side of that little space was Joshua. Your heart had already been thumping because you were in the same room with all of these handsome boys, but now you were gonna sit by someone you admired a little more than the rest of them. You walked over and sat down with your knees to your chest and your arms wrapped around your legs.

I'm your home (Yoon Jeonghan x Reader) - closedWhere stories live. Discover now