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"You disappeared Jeonghan."


Jeonghan's POV


She hasn't changed a bit.

"I was busy and you knew that." I didn't know what to say. The wrong words came out, I was prepared for a snap back.

"Busy? With what? Having girls swoon over you? So busy that every time I texted you, you couldn't text back? Years of waiting for something Jeonghan! Maybe even a call from you, I- I don't know!" y/n was near crying.

She was so mad she probably wasn't thinking straight. It was dead obvious. She was never the type to stutter but she was strong. I saw the water in her eyes but not a single tear was being shed.

"Stop standing there! Please! Answer me! I just want an explanation Jeonghan."

She broke. Still holding her tears, She looked like she was ready to fall. I had forgotten that it was my birthday. The girl I wanted to see after so many years mattered more. The boys looked clueless. I gestured them to leave again and they did. I also gave them a sign to go home. She was standing there.

There was a pattering on the counter

I heard the tears hitting on the counter. I walked around the counter and just hugged her.

Narrative POV

He came over and hugged you. You tried pushing him away but the emotional pain made you weak. He still didn't give an explanation as to why he never talked to you for so long. "I just want to know why you left me behind." Your voice was weak too.

"I wasn't busy with girls or anything stupid. The job I have is stressful. I live with 12 other guys. Dancing and singing is exhausting"

It all sounded like excuses.

"I still thought about you y/n. All the time. I just could never get around to you. I always had a plan to come and visit you but work kept getting in the way. Today was the first Birthday I ever had off where I could choose what I wanted to do. Every other off days I had, I had to deal with something else."

He had a lot to deal with. Even though you and him lived in the same city, you began to understand that you were out of the way. 5 years seems like a long time but his group had grown so popular it was no wonder why he was always busy.

He hugged you tighter.

"y/n I'm sorry"

You knew he meant it. You didn't know how you knew but the feeling that rushed through you just gave you the sense that he wasn't lying.
After catching up a bit you began feeling better. The more you and him talked, it felt like those years that was left with sorrow just erased itself. You were so caught up in catching up with him you didn't realize how slow business was today. No other costumers had come in.

"The guys are texting me wondering where I am." He said while checking his phone.

It was only an hour since all that drama happened. You were afraid that the minute he walked out that door he would just stop talking to you again.

"You better get back to them. I'm sorry about this uh, mess."

He understood what you meant by 'mess'. "I don't really want to leave but I they're probably expecting me."

You talked a little more and it was finally time he had to go.

"I'll see ya later y/n" He started walking towards the door with a smile and a little wave.

"Wait." You stopped him

"Hanni you have to promise me that you won't stop talking to me again. Please."

He looked at you. His gaze piercing through you. This eye contact between you and him gave you a feeling of reassurance.

"I promise." Still smiling he walked out the door.

He better mean it.


Ahh, So sorry if this chapter was kinda sloppy. It's pretty late and school and dance has me warn out. I'll do better for the next chapters <3

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