Childish Cartoon (Nine)

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You were sitting in your room on the TARDIS with your laptop out and a blanket over you since the TARDIS's heating systems stopped working. The Doctor was too busy fixing that so you decided to watch YouTube.

You feel a sudden sense of nostalgia when you find Charlie the Unicorn and grin, pressing the link. You watch the first episode and giggle a bit, especially towards the end. You feel a pair of eyes on you when you start up the second episode and turn around.

"Hey, Doc." You pause the video before it starts and standup to walk over to him while still wrapped in your blanket.

"What were you watching?" He asks as he wraps his arms around your shivering frame. You hug him back and smile at the warmth radiating off of him.

You give him a soft peck on the cheek before answering, "Just something I used to watch when I was a kid. It's a very childish cartoon. You probably won't like it."

He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "I might like it. You never know." He picks you up bridal style, making you squeak in surprise, and carries you back to your bed.

You laugh a little when he places you down, giving you a small kiss on your forehead before laying beside you. He grabs your laptop and puts it on both of your laps as you snuggle up against him.

"'Charlie the Unicorn?'" He questions as he looks at the title, but he presses play anyways.

He keeps his arm wrapped around you as your head rests on his chest. He watches intently and finally breaks out into a smile at the banana song.

When the episode is over, you shut your laptop and try to get comfortable in the arms of your favorite person in the universe. He holds you tight to his chest and hums a bit.

You smile and close your eyes until you realize...

He's humming "Put a Banana In Your Ear."

You giggle a bit and flick his nose playfully. "Dork."

He laughs and kisses your forehead, continuing to him the song.

Ever since then, the Doctor has been making different banana jokes just to remind you of the day you showed him Charlie the Unicorn. What a mistake that was.


Ugh this was so short but I didn't know what else to say ;-; I'm gonna do another one tonight for sure so it's not just this 400 word thing.

Also i love you guys so muchhhh. I just reached 1.35K reads on this holy canoly 😂

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