Something Evil (tenth doctor) Part One

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Miraculously not dead :3 just hella busy.

To those who saw "New Update" im sorry this is still Part One lol

Your heart beat like mad in your chest, your breathing erratic as tears escaped your eyes. The sound of your boots hitting the metal grating and your heart hammering in your chest was the only thing you could hear but you knew you weren't alone. You could almost feel their eyes on you, their breath right on your neck as you ran. You just wanted to get away, wanted to find the Doctor.

The corridors you were running in were dimly lit and seemed impeccably old. There was rust and grime on the walls along with rot on the ceiling. You did your best to find the TARDIS, hoping that maybe she would know where the Doctor was. Maybe she could track him down?

As you ran, you saw a busted pipe on the ground a few yards ahead of you and reached down to grab it as a weapon in case of anything going wrong. Your sides were beginning to hurt and your chest heaved as you gasped for air.

"This is it, Doctor," you stop instantly when you hear the cold voice of whatever slimey creature you met. You think hard as you try to remember its name while it continues, "you are under our control now. Look at that, the great Time Lord, the Oncoming Storm, under the control of the Tisgards." Ah, that was it. Wait, control? They're controlling him?

You followed the voice as the leader kept up his taunting, "You will destroy every human on Earth so that the Tisgards may take their rightful place on the planet." You bit your lip to keep yourself from gasping in surprise. The Doctor - your Doctor - was no longer himself. Would he be able to fight whatever mindwipe they did and fix everything? Or would this be the last battle?

You took a few steps towards the door and peered around the corner. Your hands got clammy and your heart raced as you tried to even your breathing. However you quickly realized this was futile when you saw that the Doctor was standing in the middle of a room, completely emotionless.

You watched in horror as the leader of the Tisgard's told the Doctor to do different things - and he obeyed immediately. You couldn't believe your eyes. You looked even closer and saw that his eyes were a different shade of brown; more of a light amber than his usual chocolate brown.

"Oi, you!" You stood fully in the doorway, trying to get the alien's attention. "You, um, piss guard thing, whatever you are!" The alien turned and snarled at you, making you falter just a little. "L-Let the Doctor go! I'm warning you!"

The Tisgard just snarled and turned his back on you, "If you can make the Time Lord remember you, then you can take him back. But if you cannot, the Time Lord will work for me to destroy all of humanity."

You chewed on your bottom lip in thought. How in the name of Gallifrey are you going to win over your Doctor? You walk up to him, disregarding the alien behind you. The Doctor stares emotionlessly past you, his jaw clenched and his fists closed. You bite your lip and a few tears leave your eyes as you think that maybe you won't be able to wake him from this hell.

"Doctor? Doctor, you bloody idiot, wake up!" You cry, your shoulders shaking as hot tears run down your face. You take his hand in yours and bring it up to your face, making him cup your cheek. You stare into his eyes for what feels like eternity as you silently hope that the man in front of you recognizes you and wakes the hell up, or that you wake from whatever hellish nightmare you're in. "Please, remember me. Please."

The man in front of you looks at you, his face still void of any emotion. His eyes travel to your shaking shoulders as your sob, almost as if he were confused, and back up to your face where you have his hand against your cheek. His eyes suddenly go hard as he stares at his hand and he grabs you by the throat and brings you close him. You've never been more afraid in your life of the man you called your boyfriend, the man who has saved many worlds from devastation. The Doctor, the man, the myth, the legend. The oncoming storm, and now you were on the other side of his anger. What was usually placed on those who hurt you was now placed on you and you couldn't be more terrified. Your knees buckled and more tears escaped as he snarled at you, a deadly look in his eye.

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