Camping -Jin

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"I cant believe your parents actually let you come" Emily said, and it was a shock for me too. My parents normally wouldn't let me do anything, especially stay somewhere overnight.
"It took a lot of convincing" I assured her.

"Oh by the way, my boyfriend and his friend are meeting us there" she quickly added.
"What? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
"I knew you'd panic, so I thought I'd let it be a surprise" she replied.

This wasn't my first camping trip, but all my other ones had been with my parents. The thought of being in the middle of the woods with two boys scared me, but what added to that was the fact that one of them was Emily's boyfriend. That meant they would be off making out, leaving me alone with someone I don't know.

We walked through the trees, each turn we took made me even more confused. I was never good with my sense of direction and this proved it.
"There they are!" Emily squealed, pointing at two tents around a fire. She bolted over, I didn't even know she could run that fast.

"You made it!"Louis, her boyfriend, said cheerfully. He hugged her and then went over to the other tent.
"Jin, come out now" he called, unzipping the tent from the outside.
"Alright, I'm coming" a voice came. A boy climbed out of the tent, my breathing hitched when I saw his face.

I didn't recognise him or anything, he was just so, so... I shook my head, which made Emily give me a weird look, I couldn't be thinking those thoughts. I told myself right there that I wouldn't let myself fall for Jin, no matter how hot he looked.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jin, and you are?" He asked, holding out his hand for me.
"Y/n" I replied, shaking his hand.
"Oh stop being so formal, you can hug you know" Emily said, but me and Jin weren't ready for that. We both stepped back to let the other know, but we ended up laughing because neither of us wanted to hug. It was a crazy thing to bond over, but we managed to anyway.

A couple of minutes later we were all sitting by the fire.
"We should tell ghost stories" Louis suggested, and I swear I saw a smirk playing on his lips. I grew suspicious, but decided to ignore my instincts.
"I'll go first" he added. Like all ghost stories, this one wouldn't faze me, or so I thought.

When the story was finally over, I realised Jin was holding me in his arms. I had been so distracted by Louis's terrifying story, that I had moved closer to Jin. We both noticed at the same time and practically jumped away from each other.

Meanwhile Louis and Emily had been whispering, talking about something they didn't want us to hear. When they saw we were watching, they both smiled innocently, but they couldn't fool me.

"We better get to bed, it's almost 11pm" Emily said with a yawn. They held hands and headed off towards one of the tents.
"Hang on, there's only two tents!" Jin called after them. They sped up and quickly zipped up the tent behind them, the last thing I saw was Emily giving me a thumbs up sign.

They had planned this. They wanted me and Jin to get to know each other better and I guess this was the only way.
"Well, we could stay out here for a bit" Jin suggested, and I nodded.

We sat in silence, but it wasn't awkward. The fire was dying out, making the light dim with every second that passed. Suddenly a branch broke somewhere in the forest. I told myself it was nothing, an animal just wandering through the woods. But then it happened again, and there were leaves rustling too. It was like some sort of horror film.

Jin saw I was on edge, I kept looking left and right for any movement. He reached over to my hand to hold it but as soon as he touched it he withdrew his hand.
"You're so cold" he said, taking off his jacket.
"You don't have to-" I replied, but was cut off by him putting his jacket over my shoulders, instantly warming me up.

He held my hand, stroking his thumb over mine. I still got scared by the noises of the forest, but Jin's presence helped calm me.
"You know Emily told me all about you" he said.
"Really? Like what?" I asked.
"Like how you've never had a boyfriend" he teased.

"Not yet anyway" I said, smirking.
"Are you talking about me?" He joked.
"Only if you want me to be" I teased, making him go slightly red. I could barely tell because it was so dark, but I saw his eyes flicker to my lips for a second. That was all it took.

I kissed him, surprising him so much that he almost fell over. I watched him stumble to get his balance, making me laugh. When he was upright, he put his hand on my cheek.
"Let's try that again, shall we?" He whispered.

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