Parents -Jin

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"They were up all night preparing for dinner" I told Jin.
"They don't have to do all this work, I would be fine with anything so long as it's edible" Jin said, but we both knew that my parents weren't like that. They were officially meeting Jin, my boyfriend of 2 months, today at dinner. My parents had somehow convinced me to let them cook, but they turned into nervous wrecks because of how much they want to impress Jin.

> 1 day before <
"We don't need a starter, Jin would be happy with anything!" I assured them, but I knew they wouldn't listen.
"We want him to like us" my dad replied, trying out different ties to see if they went with his suit.
"He will like you! It's impossible not to!" I said.
"Does he like garlic bread, or is that too simple?" My mum called from the kitchen. She was checking the cupboards to see what they needed to buy.

"Anything will be fine, honestly" I shouted back, grabbing my phone to text Jin.
"What are you planning on wearing buttercup?" My dad asked.
"I don't know, I haven't looked yet" I replied nonchalantly.
"Your leaving it a bit late" he mumbled, throwing ties around the room in search for a specific one.

"I'm going to the shops, I'll be back in about an hour" my mum called up the stairs.
"Could you buy me a new tie, possibly black?" My dad shouted back.
"I'll have a look" she replied. My parents made me smile at how much effort they were putting in to the dinner, I texted Jin about it and he told me he was anxious about it too, so I tried to calm him down a bit while my dad kept searching for the perfect tie.

Jin and I stood outside my house, he was staring at the front door like it was a big scary dog. I reached out and held his hand comfortingly,
"Ready?" I asked. He nodded slowly and then knocked on the door with his free hand.

"Here" I said, handing him the flowers which we had bought on the way over. He stood up straighter and smiled as soon as the door opened,
"Hello Mr and Mrs L/n" he said with a small bow.
"Please, call us Hannah and Kyon" my mum told him, taking the flowers and rushing off to put them in water.

"Come in" my dad said, standing aside to let us into the hallway.
"Take a seat at the table" he added, gesturing us to go into the dining room. I hugged him quickly before Jin and I sat beside each other at the table.

My mum was in the kitchen and my dad was talking to Jin about the most random things. I stood up to go to the kitchen, when my dad stopped me,
"Where do you think your going?" He asked.
"To check on the food..." I said, but he told me to sit back down and he went instead. After five minutes, we were still waiting for him to return.

"There is a slight problem" my mum announced as she came into the room, my dad following her close behind.
"What?" I asked, and the room fell silent as she struggled to word her sentence.
"It's okay, just tell us" Jin said softly. I put my hand on his, which was on the table, to show that I appreciated what he said.
"I burnt the food" she said suddenly, and looked down at the ground.

"How bad is it?" I asked, hoping we could salvage some of it. Immediately the smoke alarm went off, and my mum ran to stop it.
"I'm guessing it's really bad then" Jin mumbled. My dad went to help her, leaving me and Jin at the table.
"Want to go help them?" I offered, but Jin shook his head.
"I think they can handle it, we should come up with a backup place to eat" Jin said.

And so we called every restaurant within a ten minute drive of here, but that didn't work.
"How about we go to our place, we have food and it's nearby" I suggested.
"They don't know that we're living together though, that's what this dinner was for" he whispered.
"I don't mind, now they can find out earlier than expected" I shrugged.
"So long as you're sure" he replied, and I nodded.

"We'll wait until they are finished in the kitchen though" I added. I saw Jin was fidgeting because he was nervous and I smiled at how cute he was. I pulled him into a hug, after the initial shock he hugged me back with a laugh and kissed my head.
"Stand on my feet" he instructed. I did as I was told, holding on to him tighter so I didn't lose my balance.

He started singing quietly and spinning us in circles, I rested my head on his shoulder to listen to his breathtaking melody. He calmed the nerves I didn't even know I had.
"I love you" I mumbled, smelling the familiar scent of flowers emanating off him.
"I love you too" he replied after ending the song. I was slightly upset that we had to let go, but I was still excited for this dinner with my parents, and for that to happen we actually needed a dinner.

My parents came back into the room, apologising and starting to plan new arrangements for dinner.
"You don't need to worry about finding somewhere to eat" Jin spoke up, nudging me softly.
"We can eat at our flat" I told them, resulting in shocked faces, which they tried to hide but weren't quick enough.
"How long... How long have you lived together?" My dad asked hesitantly.

"About 1 month today, that's why we wanted to tell you tonight" I said. My parents had always been protective over me, and I was just hoping that Jin had earned their trust by now.
"We need to see the place then" my mum said.
"Check it's got everything you need" she added.
"And make sure the neighbours are friendly" my dad said.

I smiled and hugged them both.
"Come on" my mum beckoned Jin into the hug and he came over grinning widely. It was a big group hug, and we couldn't help but laugh at the awkwardness of where to look and stand. Afterwards, my parents went to grab some things before we left, while Jin and I mentally checked what we had in the cupboards to eat.
"We should just pick up some fast food on the way" I told him, and he agreed immediately.
"Sounds delicious" he said.

"Ready to go?" My mum called from the doorway.
"Just give us a minute" I replied quickly, and she went to the car with my dad.
"What is it?" Jin asked, looking slightly worried.
"I just wanted to tell you, I think they like you" I said.
"I like them too, and I'm glad that the initial fear is gone" he replied.

"You know what comes next" I joked.
"Marriage" He replied, but then immediately realised that I was kidding.
"Umm, I mean, not- no marriage." He stuttered, blushing.
"Lets just focus on this for now, we'll discuss that later" I said, dragging him out of the room and towards the car.
"I'll take that as a yes" he teased, little did he know he was driving me mad with the thought of marriage, mad with happiness that is.

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