Fireworks -Jin

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>third person<
He looked at the clock, counting down the minutes he had left until he could get out, until he could get to her. Jin only had 6 minutes left before he could go home and hug and kiss his girlfriend to keep her calm. They had been dating for almost three months and they knew each other's fears by now, and fireworks were one of hers.

5 minutes to go. He tapped his feet on the floor, wanting the time to pass faster. Practice with BTS meant he was leaving it quite late to get to her, he might not make it if he didn't leave soon.

4 minutes to go. His friends noticed that his eyes kept glancing towards the clock, the ticking time bomb that could control the next few hours, or even the rest of his life. They saw his anxious behaviour but didn't know why, they chose not to press it, and maybe ask him about it later.

3 minutes to go. He wondered what she was doing, if she was feeling worse then he was right now. He wanted to reach for his phone and text her, let her know he would be home soon, but he couldn't. He was in rehearsal and he had to try and focus.

2 minutes to go. Maybe he could leave now, would his friends mind? He slowly edged towards the door only to be called back for one last song. He wanted to act normal, he wanted to dedicate his energy to this last song but she was the only thing on his mind. This would be a bad night for them both, her specifically, and he had to be there for her like she was for him.

1 minute to go. The song wasn't over yet, he didn't want it to last much longer but it didn't look like luck was on his side. The others were going full out, practicing as much as possible so they were prepared, but it wasn't that easy for him, he had other things on his mind.

Time's up. When the clock hit exactly 6:00pm he picked up his bag and ran out of the room, shouting "bye" to all his friends. He ran faster than light to get to her, no fireworks could be heard yet but it was just a matter of time.

>y/n's POV<
I turned off the TV and waited for Jin. I knew he would try and get to me fast, I told him not to worry but he wouldn't listen. I took deep breaths, ignoring the panic fog closing in on me from all sides.

I counted up in my head, using techniques Jin had tried on me before to calm down. He really cared and it showed, all his efforts to help me payed off most of the time. I only hoped I helped as much as he did me.

The doorbell rang suddenly, the noise making me jump. I rushed to the door and opened it to see Jin panting outside it.
"I -I'm here" he said between breaths. I pulled him in and locked the door, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Thank you" I whispered, kissing him.

He pushed me away,
"Let me catch my breath first" he said laughing. I couldn't help but smile, his windshield wiper laugh always filled rooms with happiness. I saw his eyes flicker to the clock, I had almost forgotten what tonight was for a split second until he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bedroom.

He shut the door, the window, the curtains and even built a small blanket fort in the corner of the room.
"I'll meet you in there" he said, before briefly leaving the room. I crawled into the fort and turned on a little light that was nearby so that we could see.
"Now we have everything we need" he said, coming back into the room and quietly shutting the door behind him. He held board games and crisps, throwing me a packet before sitting down.

"And I'm here to hug you if it gets too much" he added, his arms wide open. I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist.
"Ignore what's going on outside, all that matters is me and you" he whispered, his finger drawing little circles on my arm.

Then it began, but I wasn't as scared as I thought. I guess I was lucky that Jin was there, I'm lucky that he is always there.

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