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Their eyes stayed glued to the mocking positive sign before them and neither of them speak a word to one another as they attempt to comprehend what they are actually going to do now that they are positive that Camila is for sure definitely pregnant.

Before they both got too worked up about the situation and possibly began panicking for nothing, Lauren bought more pregnancy tests to confirm that the first one Camila took was in fact correct. Unluckily, the first test was indeed positively right and there really is an actual child now growing inside of Camila.

Both of them remember how this happened. Camila was on the pill, she had been for a few months since they began exploring that part of their relationship in more depth. However she was on pain relief medication since she, being her usual clumsy self, tripped over and sprained her ankle. At the time they didn't think it would effect anything, but now thinking back they both remember the doctor that prescribed the contraception pills told them if Camila took any other medication at the same time then the pills wouldn't have the same effect as it normally would do.

It was rather immature and stupid of them to forget such an important detail but there is no point in dwelling on the past now because they're already in the situation an there is nothing that the two can do about it.

"What are we going to do? My parents are going to kill me when they find out." Camila asks, throwing all of the tests into the sink angrily. Lauren kisses her cheek and moves to rub her fingers across the wrinkles in her girlfriends forehead, trying to calm her down because she knows that stress isn't good for the baby and could cause problems.

Camila closes her eyes. "Don't stress yourself out because it isn't good for the little one love. We are keeping this baby yeah?" Lauren asks hopefully, the thoughts of potentially killing her child and stopping the pregnancy causing her insides to churn.

Camila nods her head. "I can't get rid of my own child no matter what the situation and the problems it could cause me. This is our baby and I really do believe that everything happens for a reason." She says and Lauren smiles at her words, moving closer and getting on her knees so that her eyes are level with the still flat stomach.

Her eyes water as the realization finally hits her that she is going to be a mother, she is going to be a parent to a child along with Camila.

She kisses the stomach and traces around it gently with her fingertips.

"We could go tell my parents? After a few screams they will probably accept it and help us." Lauren suggests after a moment, realizing that they need help with the hospital appointments and the financial part to Camila being pregnant.

Mike and Clara were the first to know about their relationship and have supported them massively since the beginning. They know how much the two girls love each other so Camila and Lauren are both hoping that they will feel the same after they tell them the news about the baby.

Camila looks at Lauren with slight fear in her eyes at the possibility of Mike and Clara taking this badly.

Lauren takes her hand and leads the scared girl downstairs to the kitchen where her parents are feeding each other cheetos. "Ew gross papa." Lauren pulls a face and Mike laughs at his eldest daughter, raising his eyebrows at her wanting an explanation for her presence.

Camila sniffs and Lauren wraps her arms around her girlfriend as she looks at her parents nervously.

They could wait and do this another time when the idea has settled into her mind but both of them know that it is for the best to tell them now.

Having the support of her parents could help them and they could give them the help that they both need. Camila is 16, Lauren is 17, they need an adult to guide them through this.

Neither have any clue what to expect this pregnancy will bring them.

"Camila is pregnant."

The two girls looked at Lauren's parents, both frozen as they await some kind of response from them. Clara bites her lip and she looks to Mike who's eyes have widened at the news.

"Please don't hate me. I'm so sorry we didn't mean to it was an accident. I was on the pill but I was taking pain relief. I'm sorry." Camila sobs and falls into Lauren's arms hysterically. Tears build up in the older girls eyes as Camila cries into her chest and tightens her grip on her shirt. "I don't know what to do, I'm 16. How are we going to support a child Lo? As soon as my parents find out I will be on my ass in the streets with no place to go. Please help me Lolo please baby" Camila whimpers and Lauren kisses the top of her head whilst soothingly rubbing her back to help calm her down.

Lauren looks at her parents alarmed. "Shh baby its ok, everything is going to be ok. I've got you through this, I'm not leaving you." Lauren reassures her softly and Camila looks at her with her brown tear filled eyes.

She sniffs and wipes at her cheeks. "You promise? I don't think I could do this without you with me."

The green eyed girl moves forward and kisses her girlfriend, both of them completely forgetting about the presence of her parents for a moment. "You're my everything Camila, and I know that this wasn't planned and is completely unexpected but that doesn't mean I am going to leave you. You need me, this baby needs me and I am never going to leave you ok?"

"Girls? Seriously we need to talk about this because we need to look through all the options before making a final decision." Mike interrupts them and both Camila and Lauren glance at one another, the older Latina pulling her girlfriend into her side.

"Papi, we are keeping this baby. I get that we are young and it is not the best circumstances to bring a baby into the world but this child is ours." Lauren says determinedly, sending her father a look for even beginning to suggest that she would do something else or even consider it.

Mike and Clara look at one another again before turning back to the two girls. "I'm disappointed in you two for being so irresponsible and allowing this to happen even if Camila was on the pill. You should stop and think before you have sex every time but I also understand that this pregnancy wasn't intentional. I'm not happy about this but I accept that there is nothing we can do about it now so we will support you both. Camila if there is anything you need then please don't hesitate to come to either of us and you could stay here for as long as you need." Camila runs to Clara and throws herself in the woman's arms, the words echoing in her mind loudly.

"Thank you, thank you so much." She just hopes that her parents will react this way.

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