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"It's beautiful." Camila gasp as Lauren uncovers her eyes, her brown eyes shining whilst they search the newly designed and decorated nursery. Lauren smiles at the reaction and squeezes Camila's hands that are held tightly in her own.

The entire room had been completely transformed, the colors a mixture of blue and cream making it completely perfect for their little prince.

The younger girl sniffs and turns to Lauren, embracing her securely. "I love you so much." She whispers and the sudden declaration brings unreleased tears to Lauren's eyes.

She rolls her shimmering clouded eyes to prevent them from falling down her cheeks and hugs Camila back just as tightly. Her lips slowly connect with the skin of her girlfriends cheek and she feels Camila's smile against her lips.

"I love you too and I love our little boy. Only two weeks until he is here." Lauren tells her softly, her fingers moving to press against the stomach between them both. "Are you scared?" She asks knowingly when Camila stays quiet instead of answering her excitedly exactly like she has been doing over the previous months they've been through.

Camila nods her head and avoids connecting her eyes with those that can somehow always manage to see right into her emotions.

She looks to the floor and her hands lift to place over Lauren's.

"I am so terrified of what is going to happen Lauren. All of these questions are screaming in my head." Camila admits quietly, her eyes shutting with fear. "What if I am a terrible mother to this little boy? What if I am not strong enough to handle looking after him properly?" She asks Lauren who almost bursts into tears at just how much this is scaring the girl she loves.

Lauren shakes her head with certainty, her hands coming to Camila's face and gently forcing her eyes to meet the brown ones.

The pads of her thumbs delicately wipe away the leaking tears and she brings their foreheads to press against each others.

"Don't say that babe. You honestly have nothing to be scared of or to worry about Camila." She reassures the girl and pauses to gulp back her own tears because the sight of her girlfriend crying and hearing her have doubts in herself breaks her heart. "I seriously believe that you are going to be the best mother that this child could ever ask for and he is insanely lucky to have somebody like you who will grow to be his hero and his idol."

Camila finally breaks into small smile, her dimples beginning to show.

Her eyes sparkle brightly at the comforting reassurances that she can do this, that maybe she will be the mother this little boy needs.

"Thank you." She says, and lightly moves to press Lauren's hands against her stomach where their son has been kicking for a while now. Lauren smiles at the feeling.

"I only speak the truth." Lauren simply tells her with a giggle and moves her head forward to press her lips against the tip of Camila's nose.

Camila scrunches up her nose and laughs as her lips form into a beaming smile whilst her heart thuds loudly in her chest. She can feel her little boy turning in her stomach as he has been doing since the previous night, slight pains being caused.

She doesn't think much about it, she was used to getting pains since the pregnancy has been frequently giving her stomach ache.

Lauren notices her girlfriend wince in slight pain and her face scrunch up in attempt to control it.

She looks at her worriedly. "Are you ok babe? Do you need to lie down? What is hurting?" Lauren asks hurriedly as she rubs Camila's back.

Camila shakes her head to the side. "I'll be fine Lo, just my stomach again." She says truthfully and Lauren bites her lip, silently taking Camila's hand and leading her back to their bedroom, laying her down.

As soon as her back hits the mattress, both girls eyes widen as her sweatpants darken with wetness. They look between each other, neither of them having to ask because they instantly know.

"Camz, those pains were contractions." Lauren states the obvious, panicking green eyes locking with brown.

This is it.

The Unexpected Surprise(Camren)Where stories live. Discover now