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"Awwwww! He is the cutest baby ever." Lucy comments when she looks at the pictures Lauren is showing her of Logan, the two previously been unable to talk because the shorter girl was away visiting her parents in Puerto Rico. However now she is back just before school is restarting and once again living with Lauren and the Jauregui's.

It has been something that has been going on for the most part of their school lives when Lucy grew more distant from her parents and she met Vero on one of her vacations to visit her best friend. Lauren knew that the two dark haired girls were serious about the newly found relationship and the problems between Lucy and her parents had always been completely obvious to her despite her efforts to hide them.

Lauren saw how much all the arguing affected Lucy and was somehow able to persuade her parents to allow Lucy to come live with them. "He is beautiful and Camila is so amazing with him. I didn't think that our relationship could get better but Logan has just made us even more stronger." Lauren tells her best friend as they get into the cab from the airport back to their house.

"How is Camila?" Lucy asks with a questioning raise of her eyebrow and Lauren is unable to stop the bashful grin from making its way onto her features, looking through her phone again to show Lucy a recent picture.

"Here, we took this yesterday. She is still the same really: goofy, clumsy however now she is more responsible now we have Logan." Lauren gushes about her girlfriend and Lucy watches the way her green eyes glisten with pure happiness and joy as she speaks.

She laughs when Lauren bites her lip, pushing her arm playfully. "Don't be getting all mushy on me you little bitch." Lucy teases her and Lauren rolls her eyes as she grabs one of her best friends suitcases, assisting her carefully as the cab pulls up outside their house. The two throw some money to the driver before rushing inside hurriedly where the warmth hits them both immediately, sending vibrations of chills through their bodies.

The two brunettes shove the bags and suitcases into Lucy's bedroom quickly since all Lauren wants to do is show off her son to the newly returned girl beside her.

She leads Lucy towards her bedroom, knocking in the door lightly before she pushes it open. "Are you naked Camz?" Lauren yells through the door and can hear her girlfriend erupt with laughter from inside the room.

"No I'm good Lo, but I could strip if you want me to babe?" She shouts back and the older girl instantly blushes when Lucy sniggers beside her, taking a breath to calm herself as thoughts of Camila naked fill her mind. The two enter the room, Lucy never once taking her eyes from the baby in Camila's arms as Lauren embraces her family tightly.

Camila chuckles at the seemingly frozen girl and motions with her head for her to join them on the bed as Lauren reaches around her to run her fingers through the dark hair on top of Logan's head. "Lucy told me that she thinks you're a milf." Lauren mumbles into Camila's neck and Lucy's eyes widen at the blatant lie coming from her friends mouth.

"I did not, I swear that it was Lauren that said that not me." Lucy raises her hands in defence and Camila smirks, sending her girlfriend a questioning stare.

"Seriously I don't even find that hard to believe." Camila laughs and hands Logan to Lucy who takes the baby willingly. "So I'm a milf huh? You want to fuck me Lauren?" She asks and Lauren's eyes widen at the words as she attempts to ignore Lucy laughing.

Camila continues to stare at her, her eyes darkened and her pupils filled with lust making Lauren gulp because she hasn't seen that look since before Logan was born.

"Uh- I" she stutters with a flustered look appearing on her face, Camila trying to hold her amusement. "Yes... I- Camz!" She whines with frustration and pouts at her girlfriend.

"What Lolo? You want me to beg for you to fill me? You want my naked body pressed against yours?" She asks teasingly, noticing the way Lauren was beginning to breath heavily and how her pupils were becoming larger with every word spoken.

"Erm... Camren I'm right here you know? So is your son." Lucy shifts in her space on the bed and glances between the two who don't even acknowledge that she just spoke to them. She rolls her eyes and looks back to the baby who is starting to wake up.

Lauren gulps and avoids eye contact with the addicting brown eyes staring at her intently.

She bites her lip and brings her head to her hands as she makes an effort to control her breathing as it has become short.

"Stop it." She whispers through gritted teeth and lifts her head to send Camila a glare, the younger girl obviously enjoying what she is doing to Lauren more than she should be.

"And what are you going to do about it? Spank me? I'm not sure who that is really punishing Lolo since enjoy it when you get all feisty." She mumbles whilst tilting her head to the side so that she is able to place a trail of kisses down the exposed pale skin.

"Oh, it's fucking on Cabello."

Camila smiles in achievement; let the games begin.

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