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Tears filled her eyes regretfully as she is forced into the lockers. Camila immediately brings her hands to guard her stomach as the group of cheerleaders crowd around her threateningly.

All she did was leave class to go to the bathroom since she is no longer able to hold it for that long and as she walked back they all grabbed her, laughing between them as they did so making her fear for what they were going to do to her because she doesn't have Lauren or the girls to protect her from them.

She holds her stomach in her hands and bites her lip silently praying that they will just leave her alone. "I see the slut is still here." The blonde stood before her sniggers and shoves her shoulders forcefully back against the lockers making her jump slightly. Her heart begins to race with fright and her throat dries because she knows that she wont be able to do anything if any of them attempt to hit her.

Camila allows her thumbs to rub her stomach, getting comfort from the tiny thuds hitting of her fingers where her baby is kicking her lightly. "Just leave me alone, please." She pleads and the girls laugh at her, finding her completely pathetic for thinking they would just leave her so easily without doing anything to her. "Look I haven't done anything to you so I don't understand why you are here causing trouble?" She says, her brown eyes clouding with unreleased tears that are threatening to spill down her cheeks but she manages to hold them in.

The blonde smirks. "I bet your kid will turn into a slut like you. Or maybe go around knocking up everybody like you freak girlfriend." Camila curls her hands into fists at her sides because she will allow anybody to say things about her but her child and her girlfriend is a completely different story. She growls and uses all of the strength that she has to grip the blondes cheerleading top and push her against the lockers.

All of the other cheerleaders gasp in surprise at the sudden strength the younger girl has and step away from the two slightly. "Don't you fucking dare talk shit about my family." Camila seethes and the blonde tenses at seeing the look in the small girls eyes because she never thought that she would actually get mad and do something to her, she thought that she was an easy target who she was able tease."If I ever hear talking shit about them I will hurt you. Now get the fuck away from me." Camila shoves her away from her grip and wipes at her eyes as she watches the group of cheerleaders walk away from her down the hall.

Instead of going back to her class Camila makes her way towards the principles office, her hand resting on her stomach protectively as she does so. She knocks on the door and heard the woman mutter a barely audible "come in." Camila opens the door and moves inside the office to sit opposite the desk, nervously playing with her fingers.

"Camila what do you want sweetie?" The teenager smiles, Miss Lovato was always her favorite and she would miss her if the woman accepts her wishes to finish her school years a home. It would be easier for both herself and the baby, knowing that things could be stressful for her.

"I would like to ask if maybe I could do online school instead of attending here since it would be much easier when the baby arrives or even hire a private teacher to come over to the house everyday." Camila asks shyly and avoids all eye contact with the teacher.

The woman smiles at one of her favorite students. "I'm sure that could be arranged if I send a few files and documents to Mrs Jauregui. It could be done pretty quickly and easily so this Friday could be your last day?" Camila looks up at her with wide eyes, not expecting it to be such a fast transition to do. She smiles and nods her head in agreement. "How are you Camila, with the baby and things? Everything ok?" She asks curiously.

Before Camila has a chance to answer, the office door is opening revealing a rather flustered Lauren. "Babe are you ok? Is the baby ok? I heard that bitch Cassie talking about what happened and I knew that you would be in here." She asks and pulls Camila into her arms, her hands moving to rest on her girlfriends stomach, rubbing it softly.

"I'm fine and so is our little prince, don't worry love." Camila replies and the principle grins at the couple before her, having supported them and their braveness ever since coming out to the school.

"You're having a boy?" She speaks up and both Camila and Lauren nod proudly at the information, it hasn't really sunk in yet that they will have their own little son in less than four months now. Time seems to be rapidly passing by but not fast enough as they both just want the pregnancy to be over so that they can finally hold their son in their arms. However now that they know the sex of the baby hopefully the time will go quicker since they are finally able to start buying things and decorating a nursery.

Camila snuggles into Lauren when she sits down beside her. "Most definitely a boy. I had them do tests to make sure it wasn't a girl with the same condition as me and they all came back saying it is for sure a little boy in there." Lauren tells her and then moves to look between both the teacher and her girlfriend with a confused frown. "You spoke to her about staying home with the baby?" She asks Camila softly and the girl nods.

"Yeah and she is going to set up everything for me so we don't have to worry. But right now I am feeling quite tired." Camila pouts at Lauren who laughs and pulls her closer into her body. She lazily rests her head in the crook of her neck and Lauren kisses the side of her face, watching as the girls eyes flutter shut. "Love you Lolo" she mumbles and Lauren giggles as the girl falls asleep in her arms without a care that she is in school.

Lauren turns to Miss Lovato who is watching them, amused with the younger girl. "Its fine, just lay with her in here. There is only one period left until the end of the day anyway." She tells the green eyed girl who looks at her appreciatively, moving Camila slightly so that she is laid down across the couch before the desk as she sleeps.

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