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Both girls giggled as they watched Logan get excited whilst watching the ducks swim about in the pond before them. They're waiting for Sinuhe and Sofia to arrive, the young girl not having seen them since the previous week. Camila stroked her fingers through the curls on top of Logan's head and leaned into Lauren's side comfortably.

Lauren smiled widely and wrapped her arms securely around her girlfriend, holding her in close to her. She leaned in to kiss the side of her head and laughed when Camila moved so their lips connected instead.

Camila pulled away and Lauren rolled her eyes at the adorable bashful smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "I can't believe he is already four months old." The brown eyed girl looks to her girlfriend who nods her head in agreement, the time seemingly disappearing so quickly since Logan arrived.

It was like only yesterday the baby was born and now he is growing so fast right before their eyes. "Me either babe. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you never got pregnant?" Lauren suddenly asks and Camila shoots her a look of confusion.

Camila shakes her head and without thinking pulls Logan in closer to her, holding onto him a little tighter than she previously was. "Honestly no, I couldn't imagine what life would be like now that we have him. Do you?" Lauren shakes her head and presses a gentle kiss to Camila's temple.

The couple stay in silent after that, listening with amusement as Logan babbles cutely to the ducks swimming around in the pond. "Kaaaaki!" The heads of both teenagers turn towards the young girl running towards them, hurriedly racing in front of Sinuhe.

Camila smiles when her younger sister sits down on Lauren's lap. "Hey babe. Where's mama?" Camila asks Sofia who points towards where Alejandro is dragging Sinuhe over to where they are sat forcefully.

The teenagers freeze instantly, Camila moving even further into Lauren's side for some sort of protection. "Make him go away." Camila begs Lauren fearfully and Lauren kisses her softly when she notices the girl beginning to tear up.

She takes Logan from Camila and laces their fingers together. "Don't worry Camz I won't let him hurt you or Logan." Lauren says and her grip tightens around Camila when her girlfriends parents stop before them, Alejandro with raised eyebrows. Sinuhe looks at them apologetically and Camila buries her face in the crook of Lauren's neck.

Alejandro sniggers. "I knew that you would be coming to meet her! How long has this been going on for huh? How long have you been meeting with these dykes and their sinful child?" He snaps at Sinuhe loudly.

Lauren growls at the insult and passes Logan back to Camila so that she is able to calm him down whilst she is pissed. She stands up and grips her hands on his shirt. "Don't you fucking dare say shit about my family because they are more part of God's heart than you will ever be." She harshly whispers and the man actually looks scared.

Sinuhe moves to take Sofia in her arms, the younger girl confused and frightened as to why Lauren is being mean to her daddy and not understanding what is happening.

Camila kisses the top of Logan's head. "Mama, you stay with Lauren. Don't let him hurt her and I'll take these inside where they can't see." She tells her mother and then moves towards Lauren. "Thank you. I love you babe." She whispers into Lauren's ear so only she can hear her. "And you don't touch her. Don't do anything to her or I will hurt you so much." Camila threatens her father who is fighting against Lauren's grip.

Her lips delicately press against Lauren's reddened angry cheeks before sending her mother a look as to tell her to look after Lauren. "Where we goings Kaki?" Sofia asks innocently when Camila takes her hand.

The teenager sighs and subtly pulls her little sister closer into her side when she hears her mother beginning to yell. All she wants to do is run back and protect her mother and girlfriend but she knows by doing that she will only make the situation worse, plus she doesn't want her sister and baby to see.

She leads Sofia inside the cafe and orders the child a hot chocolate whilst feeding Logan some milk to calm him down.

She just hopes that her mother and girlfriend are safe.

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