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"I don't want to see her." Camila says simply as she rocks Logan in his arms in attempt to get him to sleep, Lauren rolling her eyes because she knows that Camila is clearly lying right to her face. She raises her eyebrows at her girlfriend and Camila sighs, handing their son to Lauren when she is unable to get him to calm down. "I'm going to make him a bottle of milk Lo, he might be hungry."

Lauren watches as Camila leaves the room, looking down to her two week old son who is staring back at her with his watery green eyes. "I really hope that you aren't as stubborn as she is." She tells him lowly whilst gently trailing her index finger across his smooth skin.

Logan seems to calm down when she does this, his cries turning into soft whimpers and Lauren can't stop herself from smiling at the sound of her son. Even though it has been two weeks already, she still can't get used to the fact that she actually has a child with Camila.

Sinhue has been begging for forgiveness lately, however Camila is too stubborn to allow her mother any access to not just herself but also to Logan in fear of her letting them down again. Lauren personally believes that she should give Sinhue the chance to make things right between them because she actually didn't say anything hurtful towards them or their relationship with one another. Maybe it would be better if they seriously sat down and had a conversation with each other without any interruption from Sofia or Alejandro.

"I know what you're thinking Lauren and there is no way it is happening because she hurt me too much." Camila's voice snaps Lauren out of her thoughts and Lauren reaches for the milk so she can feed Logan while the two of them speak about this situation.

"Camila it was your father that said those things to you, not your mother and while I'm not saying she shouldn't have spoken up to protect you maybe she was just afraid? Her husband and her daughter were arguing and she probably had no idea how to handle it." Lauren speaks to Camila softly in attempt to get the younger girl to realize that she should speak to her mother before it is possibly too late.

She moves in closer towards her girlfriend slowly as to not disturb Logan while he drinks and brown eyes lock with worried green ones.

Tears begin to cloud her eyes and Lauren knows that Camila is truly conflicted on what to do with this mess she is in with her family. "She hurt me Lauren, she hurt me so so much but I still need her and I want Logan to know her too. I just don't want my father to do anything to her if he finds out about her seeing me; he didn't even know that I was pregnant. I don't want to be the one to ruin their marriage." Camila rambles all of her thoughts out to Lauren who finally understands all of the reasoning behind Camila not going to see her mother.

Lauren carefully moves Logan in her lap so that she is able to burp him and once she has done that, she lays him into the crib that is beside their bed. "Babe, now I understand where you are coming from but you honestly don't have to worry about being the cause of their marriage ending if it does." Lauren tells her reassuringly, cupping the flushed cheeks in her hands and comfortingly rubbing them.

Camila sniffs and cuddles into her girlfriends side, Lauren pulling her in closer and kissing the top of her head.

Lauren feels her heart break in her chest because Camila deserves none of this grief that she has recieved from her father.

"If that marriage ends then it is because of your mother and your father and nobody else other than them. Do you understand me?" Lauren tells her and Camila nods her head against her girlfriends chest, "The problems going on between you and your father or your mother and your father shouldn't stop you from seeing your mom. She is your family and if she wants to speak to you to apologize then you should let her do that." Lauren uses her finger to move Camila's face so that the younger girl is looking right at her, her brown eyes dull and watery.

"What about Logan?" She asks, both teenagers momentarily pauses to glance at their sleeping son beside them and smiles automatically cover their faces at the sight of him. Lauren then turns back to Camila and pressed their foreheads together, kissing the plump lips shortly.

"We don't have to take him with us right away, not until you are comfortable with her meeting him, I'm sure that my parents or one of the girls won't mind watching him for an hour or two whilst we talk to her somewhere about this." Lauren says and Camila nods her head, finally agreement to what her girlfriend is saying now that it is clear to her that her son doesn't have to get involved if not wanted and it won't be her fault in the future id the marriage between her parents breaks.

"Ok." She breathes out and Lauren pulls away from her slightly, her sparkling green eyes staring right into the brown ones before her.

"Ok?" Lauren asks, just to make sure that she wasn't hearing things or that her mind wasn't just tricking her into believing Camila agreed.

"Yeah, we can speak to her."

Lauren smiles at her girlfriend widely and wraps her arms securely around her neck, pulling the younger girl into a tight embrace.

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