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Their eyes never leave the sleeping baby boy laid before them, completely oblivious to just how much he has just changed the lives of both teenage girls hovering over the hospital crib beside them. Light snores are leaving his parted plump lips and Camila and Lauren both practically melt at the completely adorable noise.

The two pairs of eyes scan his tiny body, taking in and utterly absorbing all of the features of their little boy. From his perfectly tanned and smooth skin, his cute button nose and the light curls on the top of his head to his small ears and toes. However his most strikingly beautiful feature is his eyes. When he begins to stir slightly and delicately flutters open his eyelids, both teens grin when they see the green eyes looking innocently staring back at them with just a splash of brown mixed in the right one. "He has the same birthmark as my mother." Lauren says smiling and uses her finger to gently trail over his face.

"He looks like both of us." Camila comments, finding her voice after calming herself down since she once again began to choke up as the reality of being a mother caught up with her again. She watches with watery eyes as Lauren scoops the newborn out of the crib and holds him in her arms so that they are both able to clearly see him. "Hi there little guy." Camila coos and Lauren thinks that it is the cutest thing she has ever seen as their son wraps his hand around Camila's finger tightly,

She smiles widely, turning her head to press a kiss to the side of her girlfriends face and then moves back further onto the bed so that the new family are comfortable. "You did so good, I'm really proud of you." Lauren tells her honestly and Camila blushes at her words.

Lauren laughs at her shyness, thinking that only minutes ago the girl was yelling at the nurse that she couldn't do it any longer. "He is so beautiful Lauren." She whispers and Lauren immediately mutters her agreement because the baby in her arms is most definitely the cutest that she has ever laid her eyes on and not just because it is her own.

"Are we still letting Sofia name him?" Camila asks after a few minutes of admiring her son and gives her attention to the girl holding him.

Lauren nods her head instantly. "She was upset that he couldn't be named after her, she should get to name him instead." Lauren says and Camila smiles because she loves this girl so much.

"Your mama has no idea how much I love her." Camila tells the baby who is looking between the teenagers tiredly. Lauren grins and is about to reply to her when a little body is running over to them at full speed. "Sofia baby calm down or you will scare the baby." Camila tells her sister as the young girl climbs onto the bed clumsily, her brown eyes widened completely as she just stares at her nephew in awe.

Following closely behind her is Lauren's parents along with Ally, Dinah and Normani who all have their tear clouded eyes fixed on the tiny human in Lauren's arms. "He is so cute." Dinah says, wiping at her eyes quickly in attempt to hide the fact that she is actually crying.

Mike and Clara were both unable to stop themselves from bursting into tears as they gaze lovingly at their first grandson before turning to look proudly at the teenagers who make this perfect little boy. "How was it Camila?" Clara asks the young Latina and smiles knowingly when Camila nervously glances to Lauren beside her.

Lauren rolls her eyes. "She was actually amazing, ignore what she says. She had no pain relief and hardly even screamed horrifically except from maybe cursing a few times." She proudly tells them and the three friends of the girls turn to Camila in shock, the small girl always being the one to get hurt so easily. "She was amazing and I won't let her tell anybody otherwise."

"Lauren stop." Camila says embarrassed because of her girlfriends gushing. "That part is over anyway, it does not matter to me now that he is finally here with us."

"Have you decided on any names yet?" Ally asks as she gently runs her fingers through the curls on top of the baby's head, looking between Camila and Lauren curiously as the two of them both shake their heads.

"We were thinking that Sofi could name him." Lauren says, grabbing the attention of the six year old who has been completely enhanced by the little boy since the moment she laid eyes on him and hasn't really been listening to the conversation around her.

Her brown eyes look confusedly between her sister and Lauren who laugh at the girl.

Camila pulls Sofia closer towards her, being careful as to not disturb her now sleeping son held in Lauren's arms next to her.

"Do you want to choose a name for him? What would you like his name to be?" Camila asks her sister who looks to be deep in thought with all of the possible names.

The group sits silently, waiting for the little girl to make up her mind and to think of a name. "Logan! Cause Lolo says she likes that guy from tv." She giggles and Camila and Lauren look at one another, having a silent conversion before turning their attention to the sleeping boy.

"Logan Michael Jauregui-Cabello." Lauren states after a moment and smiles down at her son, happy at being able to put a name to the cute little face. "Good job little one." She tells Sofia who beams at her.

Camila then shuffles to place Sofia on the bed. "Sit properly baby girl." She tells her and takes Logan from the arms of her girlfriend, placing him carefully in the arms of her younger sister before taking a picture of them both on her phone to remember.

"I'm so proud of both of you girls." Mike tells them and wipes at his eyes, pulling his daughter into a tight hug now that she is no longer holding Logan in her arms. "He is seriously beautiful and you should be the happiest you have ever been. Life doesn't get any better than at this moment when you first meet your child." He tells them and both girls nod in agreement because neither of them have been happier than they are now.

"Anytime you need a babysitter you can call me, he is ridiculously cute." Normani tells them and they laugh whilst rolling their eyes.

"Whatever Manibear. I'm always going to be their first babysitting choice." Ally argues with the girl and Camila watches them both in amusement as they begin to bicker.

"Girls nobody is babysitting him until he is way older." Lauren tells them seriously, stopping them both before they had chance to take up Logan from his sleep.

"Anyway you live with him Ally." Camila adds on to her girlfriends reasoning before taking her now waking son from the arms of her sister and kissing the top of his head, tickling his cheek slightly when he begins to whimper which immediately calms him. "Lolo can you get him a bottle? The midwife said he would probably be hungry when he wakes up properly." She says when tiny green eyes stare up at her brightly.

"His eyes are so big!" Sofia exclaims and giggle when Logan looks at her before Camila gently starts to feed him the bottle of milk that Lauren handed to her.

Camila and Lauren smile at each other, the older of the two moving to pull her girlfriend into her side, kissing the crook of her neck lovingly as she watches Logan gulp down the milk hungrily. Neither of them think that life could ever get better than this, that life will ever be bad now that they have their little boy here with them finally.

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