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"KAKI!" Sofia squealed with excitement and happiness as she spotted her older sister waiting at the gates of her school, running towards her immediately and giggling loudly when the teenager catches her in her arms. "Wow Kaki you been eating lots." Sofia comments once Camila puts her back onto the ground, her eyes landing on her stomach.

Camila and Lauren laugh at her innocent mind and the pregnant girl kneels down on the ground so that she is at a similar height to her younger sister and able to explain things to her more easily. "No Sofi, I'm having a baby." She tells her and Sofia's brown eyes widen as she looks between Lauren, Camila and her sister's stomach. "I know that mama will be here to collect you any time now but I just wanted to come tell you that I love you ok?" She says softly and Sofia nods her head.

Lauren almost starts crying when Sofia sniffs and wraps her arms securely around Camila's neck. "Please don't go Kaki. I loves you." She mumbles and Camila swallows thickly because her throat becomes suddenly dry at the reminder she only has possibly seconds left with her younger sister before either of her parents arrive. "Mama and Papi still do too and I wants to see to the baby." She whimpers and Camila bites her lip when she notices the tears coming from the six year old girls eyes, rolling down her cheeks.

"You will see the baby I promise but it isn't coming yet love. You need you be a big girl ok? Please don't cry Sofi." She asks desperately and pulls her sister into a tight embrace. "When the baby comes maybe we can put Sofia in her name if it is a girl yeah? Will that be good for you?" Camila asks her and shares a look with Lauren over her sisters head, the green eyed girl smiling at her when she sees Sofia nod in agreement to her suggestion before pulling away from her hug. "I miss you Sof." Camila whispers, pain evident in her voice and Lauren sees that the girl is about to break down so she pulls the girl into her to keep her steady.

Sofia is about to respond when a throat being cleared behind them causes all three girls to jump at the sudden noise. Camila turns her head and her eyes widen at the sight of her mother raising her eyebrows at her expectantly awaiting an explanation as to what the hell she is doing.

Camila nervously sucks her lips into her mouth and takes a deep breath to calm herself down. "Don't worry we were just leaving. I came to speak to my sister about something." Camila snaps at her, still pissed that she allowed her father to do such things to her without helping her.

She stands up and her fingers automatically move to intertwine with Lauren's for support. "You're pregnant?" Sinuhe asks her eldest daughter, completely ignoring the tone she just used whilst speaking to her and the hatred lacing her words. Camila rolls her eyes and Lauren pulls her girlfriend even further into her embrace, knowing that it is possible for Camila to loose it with her mother any moment now.

"Since when do you care? Since when do you care about anything to do with me?" Camila asks her angrily, trying to stay calm for the sake of the baby and not wanting to make a show in front of Sofia, not wanting her younger sister to witness something similar to the night her father flipped his shit on her. "You didn't care when Alejandro decided to hit me, when he decided that I am worth nothing and that he should just kick me out onto the streets. What if Lauren couldn't open her home up for me? I would be on the streets and you wouldn't care. You didn't help me, you didn't stop him from doing that to me. You just watched so why should I tell you anything?" She asks, the questions pouring from her.

Lauren feels Camila trembling in her arms, her entire body shaking with the anger she has towards her mother. "Calm down love. Take a deep breath and breathe ok?" She whispers into her ear and Camila nods her head before taking a deep breath through her nose to calm herself.

"Mama why can't I see Kaki anymore?" Sofia speaks up and pouts at her mother who looks between her two daughters with wide eyes, not expecting to be put in this position because if it was her decision then Camila wouldn't have been kicked out in the first place. "Cans I still see Kaki mama? She says that her baby is gonna haves my name in it." She excitedly bounces on her feet and Lauren smiles because Sofia has never failed to make her melt with her cuteness.

"How about Kaki picks you up from school on Friday's when I have my day off and then I pick you up from Lauren's house before your papa gets home from work?" She suggests hopefully, wanting her two daughters to remain as close as they have grown up to be. Sofia nods her head and looks to Camila and Lauren, wanting them to agree. "Papa can't know though, ok Sofia? You have to keep this as our little secret."

Camila smiles when Sofia instantly nods once again, the young girl willing to do anything so that she is able to spend time with her sister.

"Of course we will have her but this is for me and Sofia not you. I will never forgive you for what you did, for allowing him to do that to me." Camila tells her mother and Sinuhe is about to argue with her daughter but Lauren holds up her hand to silence her, silently warning her that it is best to remain quiet because she has already figured out what happens when you get a pregnant woman angry. "I'll see you on Friday? Love you baby girl." Camila says and bends down to hug her sister goodbye.

Sofia hugs her back before moving towards Lauren. "Goodbye Lolo please take care of Kaki cause I can't right now." Lauren smiles at the girl and wishes that her child is going to end up like Sofia. She hugs the youngest Cabello tightly and kisses the top of her head before moving back towards Camila, watching her scramble into the car beside her mother who instantly drives away once she is buckled in properly.

Lauren moves herself so that her arms are snaked around her girlfriend, resting on her stomach lightly. "I got her back." Camila happily mutters and Lauren is unable to stop herself from smiling at the joy in her voice.

"Yeah you did, but babe you never really lost her. She loves you." She reminds her and the two begin to walk back home together with their hands linked between their bodies, for the first time for a while with their chests feeling completely free and smiles covering their faces.

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