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Lauren watches as Camila sat on her knees on the bed, Logan laid before her wriggling and gurgling whilst Camila tickles his sides gently. A smile covers her face and her heart swells because she doesn't want to ruin this precious moment between her son and girlfriend.

However Logan has to go with Ally for a couple of hours while Camila and Lauren have that talk with Sinhue in a nearby cafe. Lauren walked across the room and kisses Camila on her lips after softly running her thumb over Logan's chubby cheeks.

"I seriously can not believe that we are brave enough to leave him with Ally on her own. The girl is even more clumsier than I am." Camila mumbles and Lauren laughs because nobody is more clumsier than Camila is even if she says so. The younger girl could be stood still and somehow manage to fall over her own feet. Lauren honestly has no idea how she does it without knowing what is coming to her.

Camila lifts Logan into her arms and smiles when he buries his face into her neck, cuddling further into her cutely. "Why don't we just take him with us babe? Nothing bad will happen to him, if anything he will stop anything bad from actually happening between you and your mom, maybe even me too because I know that Logan will make us stay calm."

Lauren snakes her arms around Camila's slim waist. It amazes her that Camila has already lost all of her baby weight and practically looks as though she hadn't even had a child growing inside of her throughout the previous nine months. But it's not that Camila got overly large during her pregnancy, she didn't even look pregnant from the back of her.

Logan whined at not having all of the attention on him causing his two mothers to laugh and pull away from each other, Lauren poking his nose making him wiggle in Camila's arms happily. She takes Logan from Camila and dresses him in a jacket while Camila quickly pulls on her shoes so that they are able to leave in a couple of minutes. "I'll go tell Ally that he is coming with us, can you put him in his stroller?" Camila asks Lauren who beams and nods her head, thankful that she doesn't have to leave her son. She completely trusts her older sister, she just isn't ready to go somewhere without him just yet because she has grown incredibly attached to the beautiful baby boy in her arms.

She carried him downstairs and placed him into his strolled gently, putting the fully blue blanket over him so that he doesn't get cold outside. Lauren gives him his teddy bear that Sofia bought him, Logan literally can't go anywhere without it.

"Hi there little Lo." Clara coos to her grandson when she enters the room and sees him cuddled in his stroller. "Where is Mila? I thought you two were going to speak to Sinuhe today and Logan was staying here?" Clara asks her daughter and then laughs when Camila stumbles into the room.

Camila giggles when she sees her son all tucked up and kisses Lauren on the cheek. "We owe Ally something by the way." She says seriously, waving goodbye to Clara as she follows Lauren and Logan outside. "Lauren I really have no idea what to say to her." Camila admits while moving to pushing Logan in his stroller once they get closer to the cafe.

Lauren looks over to her girlfriend and immediately recognizes the nerves on her features. "Don't worry about anything yeah? I'm going to be right here with you and Logan is sleeping now so we don't have to continue keeping him entertained if he begins crying. I will hold you through all of this, I will be by your side and will help you." Lauren tells her seriously and stops to slowly press her lips against Camila's quickly.

Once they arrive at the cafe minutes later they instantly spot Sinhue sitting by herself in one of the most private booths, drinking at a cup of what looks to be coffee. Camila and Lauren send each other comforting and supporting glances before making their way towards her and sitting in front of her, the stroller staying put beside the table as Logan is sleeping. Sinhue smiles at the two teenagers, resisting her urge to stand up and look into the stroller at her grandson for the first time.

"Girls I...."

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