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Camila watched Lauren, amused as her girlfriend paces across the room they have been assigned to in the hospital. "Its too early, this shouldn't be happening just yet. Oh my Gosh I'm not ready, what the hell am I going to do?" She mumbles quietly to herself however the younger girl laid on the bed still manages to hear everything that she is saying.

Lauren holds her hands to her chest and breathes deeply. "Lauren can you calm down, you're making me feel dizzy with all of the pacing that you are doing babe." She comments and Lauren glances towards her before moving to sit at the end of the bed where Camila is. "Thank you and don't worry yourself too much because he is only two weeks early. Nothing bad with happen and hopefully he will be perfectly healthy still."

The green-eyed girl moves to hold Camila's hands tightly, stroking the smooth tanned skin with her thumbs. "Do you feel ok? Are you in any kind of pain?" Lauren asks and Camila just shakes her head with a slight smile covering her face. "Like non at all?" She pushes to make sure.

Camila sighs and bites her lip. "Well the contractions have gotten closer together now and are happening more frequently. They hurt but not as much as I thought that they would or as everybody makes them out to." She tells Lauren who nods her head in understanding, rubbing her stomach comfortingly."Is your mom going to pick up Sofia on her way here? I don't want her to bring my mom with her too, only Sofia." She says to Lauren, the older girl pulling out her phone to text her mother and tell her what Camila had just told her because she doesn't want her girlfriend to be under any stress whilst being in labor.

"Hey Lo? Did you even bring the bag that we need along with the car seat that we need?" Camila asks, tilting her head to the side in question and Lauren curses herself under her breath as she shakes her head.

"No I completely forgot with getting you into the car and to the hospital in such a rush. I'm sure that My mama will bring it with her when she comes down here." Lauren replies to her and sits beside the girl, pulling her into her side securely and smiling when Camila cuddles into her.

They both stay there in silence for a while, Camila beginning to feel the contractions become even less far apart and the both of them growing more anxious for the actual birth of their son. It seems like only yesterday to them that Camila took that pregnancy test to confirm her suspicions and now they are on the urge of holding their baby boy in their arms for the very first time. The knowledge of this frightens them both but more so makes them even more eager for the time to come where they can actually see the tiny human they have been building a close bond with throughout the previous months.

After approximately half an hour of Lauren silently rubbing her girlfriends stomach, Camila groans slightly and curls into the older girls side. "Fuck that one hurt oh my gosh what the hell. Lauren seriously be fucking thankful you never have to do this." Lauren bites her lip because she always hates seeing the younger girl in any kind of pain, always wanting nothing more than to take it away from her but she knows that she can't.

"Do you want me to shout the nurse to come check you out? If they are this close together then he may be here soon." Lauren asks softly when she notices Camila wince once again barley three minutes afterwards.

"I need to push." Camila states, dismissing Lauren's comment and attempting to resist the urge to begin pushing without the assistance of the midwife who is only down the hall from the room she is in. Lauren immediately presses the red emergency button beside the bed, her hand shaking as Camila grips it tightly within her own whilst taking deep breaths to help calm herself down and to stop herself from panicking.

The midwife bursts into the room only seconds later and looks between the two teenagers with worried wide eyes. "She needs to push." Lauren tells her desperately wanting her to do something about the pain and distress that Camila is obviously going through in this moment. Camila gasps through gritted teeth and the midwife instantly moves to the bottom of the bed, gently checking out between Camila's legs to see if she is ready to push or not. She smiles as she pulls out her hand, nodding to the two girls in agreement to the fact Camila is indeed ready to start pushing. Lauren kisses the back of her hand gently and brown eyes lock with green ones. "I'm right here, just breathe." She tells her.

Camila nods her head and when the nurse squeezes her knee to get her attention she turns to face the middle aged blonde woman. "Ok Camila, I need you to take a deep breath for me and push a little on the count of three. Can you do that?" Camila nods once again, listening closely to the instructions that are being given to her. "1, 2, 3..." Camila pushes, yelping a little because of the added pain and her hold on Lauren's hand tightening. "Good girl that is perfect. Now one more for me, a bigger push this time yeah? 1, 2, 3..." Camila pushes again, tears building up in the corners of her eyes because she has never felt anything like this.

She shakes her head and her back collapses against the bed as she gasps for air. "No I-I can't do it anymore. It is hurting me too much." She sobs and Lauren feels her heart break for the girl.

Lauren presses her lips to her sweating forehead and wipes at her eyes. "You can do this, think of our son babe. He will be here afterwards and then you can forget all about this pain because we will have him. Can you do that? Can you do that for him? I think he wants to meet his mommies now." She speaks softly and Camila sniffles whilst agreeing.

The midwife sends Lauren a thankful smile, happy that she could get Camila to calm down so quickly. "Not long now ok? I need you to give me a really big one now because I can see the head." She speaks calmly and Camila gulps with fear. "On three? 1, 2, 3..." Camila screeches loudly and crushes Lauren's hand as she squeezes it tightly.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck holy shit this hurts like a fucking bitch." Camila whispers as she turns her head to bury it into the crook of Lauren's neck beside her. Lauren kisses the top of her head and fails at holding back her own tears at this moment, wrapping her arms around the shaking girl.

"Careful or his first word will be fuck." She teases Camila and the younger girl laughs despite her pain for a second. "Just take a moment and breath. He is almost here now babe, the head is all out." She tells Camila comfortingly and Camila smiles at those words.

The midwife then clears her throat loudly to get their attention. "I need one final push from you now. This needs to be the biggest one because then he will be here. Are you ready Camila?" Camila rolls her eyes back tiredly and just nods her head again. "1, 2, 3..." Camila pushes as hard as she possibly could, screaming in a mixture of pain and need for her son as she nurse helps pull him out completely, immediately placing the whimpering baby into the arms of his awaiting and exhausted mother.

Both Camila and Lauren both stare at their little boy in complete awe, tears streaming down both of their faces because the time is here; their son is here and this is the happiest that they've ever been.

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