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Camila was now four months pregnant, her bump now not visible when she is wearing sweatshirts that hide it otherwise it is clear to anybody. However she hasn't really gained weight on any other part of her body so she guesses that it is lucky because if she did then people may be able to figure it out more easily.

Both girls have decided over this previous week that they would tell Ally, Normani and Dinah about the pregnancy because they can't hide it for longer because they've began to question the change in Camila's style, her mood swings and everything else that has recently changed in the younger girl.

Lauren: You're going to be an Aunt congrats

Lauren texts Ally and Camila giggles at the message, rolling her eyes because the girl didn't even move to go tell her in the next room. She listens and both of them chuckle when they hear a slight bang coming from the room beside them. Camila and Lauren share amused glances and watch as Ally comes busting into the room not long afterwards with Normani and Dinah confusedly following behind her.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" She yells in shock and Lauren awkwardly moves to lift her hooded jumper that Camila is currently wearing revealing her rounded baby bump.

The three girls gasp in surprise and make their way towards the bed where Lauren and Camila are sat anticipating their reactions. "When did this happen?" Ally asks as she reaches out her hand to softly rub the stomach, Lauren and Camila both smiling at her as she does so.

Ally looked at the two expectantly, grinning when Lauren hands her over one of the sonogram pictures sheepishly. "About 4 months ago. Our next hospital appointment is in two weeks and we should hopefully be able to find out the sex." Normani and Dinah squeal with excitement and Camila blushes when they both begin to feel her stomach.

"What do you want?" Normani asks them both curiously as she interestingly settles herself beside her best friend. Lauren just shrugs her shoulders because in all honesty she doesn't really care what she is having as long as the baby is healthy. "Oh come on you must have a preference of what you want? Camila?" Normani rolls her eyes at Lauren and Camila chuckles because she has been trying to get the same answer from her for the past month.

"I want a girl but I wouldn't be sad if it is a boy." Camila truthfully replies and Dinah grins widely at her because she can totally see herself babysitting in the future when the two girls wish to have time to themselves.

"Allyson Jr right?" Ally speaks up and Lauren bursts into a fit of laughter at the sudden name suggestion because there is no way she is naming her baby after her older sister.

Camila punches Lauren in the arm slightly whilst giggling herself. "Sorry Ally but no. Lauren already has her mind set on either Isabella or Mariana for a girl and either Nathan or Max for a boy." Lauren smiles and moves to kiss her girlfriends stomach before her, gently rubbing it with the pads of her thumbs. Camila melts at the sight and laces her fingers through Lauren's long black hair, massaging her scalp softly. "Hey babe we should totally go for pizza right now." She says hopefully and who is Lauren to deny her beautiful girlfriend of anything?

Lauren nods her hair and turns to the three others expectantly. "Are you joining us? Camila has been having a real intense craving for pizza lately, even more than usual." Normani and Ally shake their head sadly.

"We've gotta work on our science project that's due in tomorrow but we're down for movie night tomorrow?" Normani asks them and Camila bites her lip, looking to Lauren who pulls her in closely.

"Camila and I are going to Sofia's school tomorrow because she hasn't seen her since moving out. She wants to speak to her before her parents get there and take her home." Lauren tells them and Camila feels her stomach turn horribly at the reminder she no longer has any family.

Her heart aches and her throat tightens as tears begin to slowly well up in the corners of her eyes.

"Do you want us to come with?" Ally asks her worriedly, her sisterly nature kicking in because even though Camila isn't necessarily her sister, Lauren is and she cares for Camila as she does Lauren.

Lauren shakes her head politely declining the offer, knowing that this is something Camila would like to do alone knowing the possibilities of her parents actually showing up and things turning horribly. "No thank you Ally Cat. I appreciate the offer, I really do I just don't want you to be there if my parents tun up too. Things were bad before, I don't want you witnessing that again and it could be worse now seeing as my bump is more noticeable than it was before." Camila says quietly and Ally nods her head in understanding, moving to embrace the younger girl tightly.

"I love you ok? I'm here for you if you need anybody to talk to." Ally whispers into her ear so that nobody else is able to hear her and Camila smiles appreciatively at her, warm butterflies floating around her insides because even though she doesn't have her actual family, she has these four amazing girls here with her that she knows will never leave her.

Camila moves back into Lauren's side and can't resist her sudden urge in pulling her into a loving kiss, an attempt to express all of her strong emotions to the older girl that words can't represent. Lauren smiles into the puffy lips that curve around her own perfectly and is completely unable to stop herself from adding more pressure to them, however still being careful of the bump between their bodies so she doesn't squash it. Her hands freely wander into the brown curls and Camila looses herself when she feels the tongue of her girlfriend slip into her mouth without any notice, exploring the already well known area greedily.

The younger girl releases a hungry moan when Lauren licks across her teeth and gently tangles their tongues together, making the three girls shift uncomfortably at the scene unfolding directly before their eyes. Neither of them know if they should just slip out the room unnoticed or break them apart from one another, stopping them from continuing their current make out session they have become way too caught up in. When Camila reaches up to wipe at her tear stained cheeks, the three share a small look of understanding and make their way over to leave the bedroom, all of them now understanding that to them this is something more than just a kiss. This is connecting them, a way for them both to intensely share the emotions and feelings they hold for each other.

"I love you, Camila and we're going to make it through this together."


"I promise you."

The Unexpected Surprise(Camren)Where stories live. Discover now