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Lauren and Camila looked nervously at one another, waiting for the doctor to come out and call them into the room to give them their first ultra sound and the results of the blood tests that they made Camila take to confirm to pregnancy.

The smaller girl cuddled into the side of her girlfriend and kept her face pressed against her chest in attempt to distract herself from all of the negative thoughts and possibilities. Her Green eyes shut as she placed her lips on the side of Camila's head, wanting the doctor to just hurry the hell up and tell them the results.

It takes another few minutes of nervous breaths and impatient sighs being passed between them but the doctor finally returns and motions for the girls to follow him into a private room. "Well girls I can definitely confirm that Camila is indeed pregnant, 14 weeks to be exact which is basically equivalent to 3 months. I can see that your due date will be around June 12th, if you would like to sit up there then we can have a look at the little one." He says and Camila and Lauren both look at one another with wide eyes, this information making their heads spin sickeningly. Neither of them expected Camila to be this far along, it seemed like only yesterday when it all happened.

If Camila is 3 months then that gives them only 5 months to prepare for their child to arrive.

Camila took her girlfriends hand in her own completely terrified as she lifts herself up onto the hospital bed. She leans back and allows the doctor to pull up her shirt revealing a slight rounded bump that isn't really noticeable when she has a shirt covering it. Lauren and Camila just stare at one another are the doctor puts the needed liquid on her stomach.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just nervous."

"Don't be nervous, I'm here babe."

Lauren smiles and leans down to kiss the top of the brown hair as the doctor clears his throat and points to the monitor. Brown and Green eyes turn to the screen both of the immediately turning misty as they notice the moving baby. Tears leak down their cheeks and the doctor isn't able to stop himself from smiling at the young couple. "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" He asks and both girl rapidly nod their heads in agreement, Lauren desperately wiping at her cheeks before cupping Camila's face when a small noise fills their ears.

Smiles wash themselves upon their features and Lauren kisses her girlfriend softly. "That's our baby." Camila sniffs and adverts her eyes back to the screen not being able to get enough of watching the tiny person inside of her wriggle around. It is weird to her, to know that the baby is in her stomach but is still unable to feel it just yet. "Can we get a couple of copies of it please?" Lauren asks when the doctor turns of the monitor and wipes away the mess on Camila's stomach gently.

He nods at them. "Of course. Everything seems fine and it looks to me as though there is no problems up to now. If you come back in about two months then hopefully we should be able to find out the sex." He hands them the photographs and the folders filled with extra information. "Camila I advise you not to stress yourself out too much and Lauren do as much as you can to help her. Congratulations girls." Lauren and Camila wave goodbye to him thankfully before exiting the room and the hospital in general.

As soon as the warm breeze hits them, Camila jumps into Lauren's arms excitedly and happily buries her face into her neck.

Lauren laughs and spins her around but not too fast because she has already experienced Camila puking on her far too much lately.

She sets the girl back onto the ground and bends down to kiss her stomach before taking her hand and intertwining their fingers together.

The two begin to walk down the street back to Lauren's house, both extremely grateful that she lives only a couple of blocks away from the hospital and a car isn't exactly needed to take them. "I can't believe we are having a baby Camila. I'm going to admit that it won't be easy and that the hardest part is yet to come but as long as you stick with me then I think we're going to be just fine. I love you and I love this baby." Lauren mumbles softly and Camila feels more tears brim in the corners of her eyes at the pure love captured in those green eyes. They walk through Lauren's gates and Camila hides the pictures and folders in her bag so that they couldn't be seen if Normani and Dinah were around at the house.

Now that the pregnancy has actually been confirmed by a doctor the two are going to tell Ally later and both girls feel extreme pressure because they know that she could judge them since she is all religious despite been accepting of people. She wasn't as religious as Camila's parents though so that relaxed them slightly but it still made them nervous to tell her about it.

Just as Lauren reaches to open the door, a booming voice echos behind them causing them to jump with fright.



The Unexpected Surprise(Camren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang