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Lauren clutched the body beside her, giggling as the younger girl buries her face into her next with fear. Camila continues to grip her fingers around her girlfriends shirt and pays absolutely no attention to the movie playing before them. The three other girls are completely oblivious to the almost terrified breakdown the movie is sending her into and Lauren feels guilty for not arguing against allowing Normani to put this movie on with Camila in the room watching with them.

She presses her lips to the girls temple and rubs her sides comfortingly in attempt to calm down her rapid breathing. "We have to go in a while anyway to the appointment, do you want to start walking to get Sofia now so we don't have to rush?" Lauren asks Camila softly and the younger girl nods still without moving her face from deep inside the crook of Lauren's neck. She stands up and grins when Lauren laces their fingers together and explains to the girls that they are leaving to collect Sofia from before going to their 5 months sonogram.

The three smile at them and wish them luck, then happily turn back to the movie that they are all utterly enhanced by. Camila blushes when Lauren kisses her cheek softly and mutters a quiet "I love you" into her ear before leading her downstairs to where her mother is cooking in the kitchen. Clara grins at the sight of her daughter and what she sees to be her other daughter entering the room. both of them cuddled up tightly.

She offers Camila one of her pancakes and the pregnant teen hurriedly takes it with a thankful glint sparkling in her brown eyes.

She takes her time in slowly munching on the food, Lauren watching her in amusement as she clearly savors all the taste wanting it to last.

Camila finishes the pancakes with a big gulp and is only now realizing those green eyes staring at her when she obliviously looks up from her now empty hands. "Hi babe." She says and Lauren laughs at her infectious cuteness that you can't help but melt at, taking her hand in hers once again before leading her out of the house. "Are we going shopping afterwards? I kind of want to take Sofia out for a while because we only see her once a week." Camila asks Lauren, swinging their hands delicately between their bodies as they walk down the streets towards the school where Sofia is waiting for them to pick her up.

Lauren shrugs her shoulders. "I'm down for whatever you want How about we go shopping and let Sofi pick out some clothes for herself and the baby since we will know if it is either a boy or girl?" She suggests and Camila smiles, nodding her head in agreement immediately because to be honest she is completely overwhelmed by the excitement of finding out the sex of the baby after these past months of not knowing. The two arrive at the school a couple of minutes early so whilst they are waiting for the children to be released from their classes, Lauren brings Camila into her body and presses their lips together. "I love you so much." Lauren mumbles against the lips that she craves constantly, her eyes fluttering closed as a smile washes over her face.

"KAKIIIII" Camila turns, their lips disconnecting as they search for the girl who is shouting for her older sister. A beaming grin covers her entire face when her eyes finally land on the six year old who is excitedly running towards her with nothing but happiness radiating from her.

"Hey princess, did you have a good day in school?" Camila asks, kissing the chubby cheek and taking Sofia's back pack from her as Lauren lifts the small girl into her arms so that it doesn't take as long to get to the hospital which is luckily only a couple of blocks away.

Sofia nods her head excitedly and tightens her arms around Lauren's neck. "Yeah we had to writes abouts our hero and I wrote abouts you and Lolo because you always tells me to be happy and to love." She proudly states and the teenagers look between one another in shock at the fact Sofia actually thinks so highly about them both. "I said that I want to be the baby's hero, do you think I will be Kaki?" She asks innocently and Camila literally feels her heart explode massively at the adorableness that her younger sister contains unknowingly.

Camila nods and pokes the tip of Sofia's nose causing her to scrunch it up exactly how she does when Lauren pokes hers. "I do think you will be the baby's number one hero baby girl." She admits honestly, knowing already that Sofia will be the best Auntie for her son or daughter.

When they eventually arrive at the hospital, they are told to take a seat in the waiting room whilst the doctor prepares for them to enter. "Lolo can I gets a drink from there?" Sofia asks Lauren, wriggling off of her lap and pointing towards the hospital store across from the waiting room.

Lauren smiles and agrees. "Of course princess, do you want to wait here with Kaki and I will go get you one?" Sofia smiles and cuddles into Camila making Lauren laugh before she turns around in direction of the store leaving the two sisters alone together. Camila sighs and pulls Sofia onto her lap, well as much of her lap as she can because her bump is fairly large at this point and can't be ignored any longer. She kisses her forehead and Sofia smiles bashfully at her, showing off the gap in her mouth where her two front teeth are still missing.

"You're the best sister, did you know that?" Camila asks as Sofia begins to play with the ends of her head, giggling at her sisters question.

"I'm your only sister silly." Sofia rolls her eyes, not fully understanding the actual meaning behind the older girls words. Camila laughs at her and pulls her further into her, wishing to be as close to her as possible for the short and limited time that they have to spend together. "Yay, Lolo!" Sofia bounces off of Camila's lap and runs to Lauren who is making her way towards them quickly, not wanting to miss the doctor coming out to inform them that he is ready to examine Camila.

She hands Sofia the juice-box and kisses Camila shortly just in time for the doctor to call them into his room.

Sofia is up and excitedly running towards him before Camila and Lauren have even moved causing the doctor to laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Princess you have to be quiet ok? Just sit with Lolo." Camila tells her younger sister who is babbling onto the doctor about how she is going to be an auntie as he checks out Camila's stomach. Sofia pretends to zip her lips and moves further into Lauren, watching the doctor curiously as he presses down lightly on her sisters rounded stomach before putting the cold gel onto it. "See that Sofi? That is the baby." Camila says, tears once again welling up in the corners of her eyes when she sees her baby on the monitor. Sofia gasps and looks at it with wide eyes.

Lauren moves to grasp Camila's hand in her own, the two of them sharing a look containing nothing but love and happiness. "Can you see what the sex of it is?" Lauren asks the doctor who smiles and nods.

"It looks like you will be having a...."

The Unexpected Surprise(Camren)Where stories live. Discover now