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Camila sat waiting patiently, grabbing Lauren's hand beside her for support as she watches her mother wipe at her eyes. "I'm going to begin by saying how sorry I am for not standing up for you against Ale." Sinuhe tells them and Lauren notices Camila take a breath at the mention of her father.

She rubs circles on her girlfriends hand and pulls her further into her side so it is easier to comfort her. "I've got you babe, he's not gonna hurt you anymore ok?" She whispers into her ear and Camila nods her head against Lauren's chest, glad to have her here with her to help. "I love you." Camila smiles at those three words, unable to stop it from making her features glow and she tilts her head so she is able to kiss Lauren's cheek.

Sinuhe grins as she watches the two interact with one another because she has always has a suspicion that they would someday end up together after all those past years of dedicated friendship. She isn't disgusted by it, she doesn't forbid it from happening unlike her husband and instead wishes to embrace it since she is ecstatic that daughter has found her soulmate already.

"I support you and the relationship that the two of you share. My apologies to you both are completely sincere and I want you to know that I am here for you. Whenever you need me I will be here and I want to be apart of your life again." Sinuhe tells Camila who feels her heart tighten because she has longed to here those words throughout the past months without her parents.

Lauren stays silent, closely studying the woman's face before her in search for any evidence that proves she isn't being truthful.

When she finds none, Lauren allows a barley audible sigh to escape her mouth and looks from Sinuhe to the stroller beside her where Logan is still peacefully sleeping.

Camila tightens her grip around her girlfriends hand and refuses to let it go as she notices the contemplated look covering Lauren's face. "Sinuhe we are trusting you here to not make the same mistakes once again. I am not letting you back in only Camila's life but also Logan's and if you ever do the same thing again then neither of us will forgive you." She warns the woman, wanting her to know just how serious she is about coming back into their life.

The woman nods her head almost immediately and Camila wiggles out of her girlfriends grip before moving around the table and embracing her mother tightly for the first time in what seems like forever to the both of them. "I love you mama." Camila mumbles into her mothers neck and Lauren is glad she pushed the girl to come today.

Logan then whines, capturing the attention of the three women and causing them to turn to see him rolling in his stroller as he wakes.

Camila hears her mothers breath hitch and she smiles before walking around the table to sit back next to Lauren as she watches her take their no awake son out of his stroller, giggling as he stretches out his arms and his legs in an adorable way.

Sinuhe is crying already, absorbing all of the beauty of the little boy her daughter made; Sofia really wasn't exaggerating when she told her that Logan was the cutest baby.

Logan looks towards Sinuhe with his bright green eyes before turning to Lauren and shyly burying himself into her chest.

"Say hi Grandma." Lauren coos and gently passes the three week old child over go Sinuhe who eagerly takes him in her arms. Camila then pulls Lauren into her arms once they are free of Logan, kissing her cheek and cuddling into the side of her happily.

"He is beautiful girls, I'm really proud of you." Sinuhe tells them and Lauren giggles, leaning across the table to tap Logan's nose.

He scrunches it up adorably exactly how Camila does when she taps hers, making Lauren laugh and tickle his stomach. "He is really good, he doesn't cry much only when he hasn't been fed which is much like Camz." Lauren teases her girlfriend who laughs and playfully pushes her away.

Camila opens her mouth to reply when her phone vibrates loudly in her pocket. She chuckles and takes it out, rolling her eyes when she notices who the message is from.

Dinah: guuuuurl I gotta tell u dat mani got da D from da new guy lool

Camila manages to choke on nothing but jar when she reads over the message and turns her phone around so that Lauren is able to read over it, green eyes widening as she does so. The younger girl laughs nervously when she notices her mothers eyes looking between them confusedly momentarily before turning her attention back to Logan.

Brown eyes lock with green and the two of them laugh silently with their eyes. "Harry Styles the new guy?" Lauren asks quietly and Camila nods her head before beginning to type a quick reply to Dinah.

Camila: Cheechee are you serious right now Lauren and I are talking with my mother and you go and text me something like that.

Camila: btw daaaammmmn I want details!

Lauren gasps at the second message and nudges Camila who just shrugs her shoulders with a giggle. "Mom, it's almost 4 don't you have to pick up Sofi?" Camila asks whilst furrowing her eyebrows when she notices what time it is on her phone.

"Crap! I gotta go now and get her." Sinuhe says and Camila takes Logan from her, kissing the top of his head and placing him back in his stroller while she says goodbye to her mother. "Text me ok? We have to meet soon with Sofia with us." She tells the girls, hugging them both before walking out of the cafe and leaving the family of three alone.

Once the older woman is out of sight, Camila turns to face Lauren. "Want to go get the details of Mani's sex life from Dinah?" She asks Lauren, who just grins mischievously and wriggles her eyebrows suggestively.

The Unexpected Surprise(Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora