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Lauren smirked as her eyes landed on Camila at the other end of the school hallway, stood by her open locker talking aimlessly to her adoptive sister. She put her finger to her lip and signaled for Ally not to say anything so that she is able to sneak up behind her girlfriend. Quietly as possible Lauren reaches Camila and smiles because the smaller girl shifts on her feet obviously sensing the presence behind her.

However before she can turn around Lauren buries her face into the tanned neck and snakes her arms around the tiny waist.

Camila gasps turning her head to see the black hair draping over her shoulders and a smile immediately graces her lips as she twists her body in Lauren's arms so that the two are properly facing one another. "Hi baby" Camila mumbles and Lauren grins when Camila leans to plant a soft kiss to her plump lips which are practically begging for attention.

Ally clears her throat and Lauren pulls away to glare at her sister. "Do you mind? I'm still here you know? Why are you two acting more lovey than usual today?" Ally asks, glancing between the two who look at each other alarmed at the fact it is noticeable. She doesn't know about the baby just yet because both Camila and Lauren agreed to keep it between them until further along in the pregnancy. Camila doesn't want the school finding out until she is forced to tell them when she begins to show since she doesn't want her parents forcing out any time soon.

Lauren kisses the exposed skin of Camila's neck and rubs her arm. "Nothing Camila is just beautiful that I can't help looking at her all the time." Camila blushes and reaches down to lace her fingers between her girlfriends, squeezing her fingers thankfully. Camila feels bad for making both Lauren and her parents keep this a secret from Ally knowing how close the family of four really is but she is so frightened of the reality of this whole situation. But maybe she can speak to Lauren and get her to speak to Ally privately so that nobody is around to hear them?

Ally rolls her eyes at the oblivious couple and slams her locker shut as Normani and Dinah walk over to the three of them. "Camren out of it as per usual?" Dinah asks, nudging Ally slightly as they stare at Camila and Lauren who haven't even noticed their presence yet.

Normani moves forward and snaps her fingers loudly before their eyes. "Girls snap the fuck out of your love bubble you gotta drop us home." She says bringing the flustered girls out of their own little wold. Camila grins at her friends whilst Lauren just pulls her girlfriend further into her body. "Chill Lauren I'm not gonna steal her. I mean she is fine and all but I don't swing that way." Normani tells her and Lauren pushes her lightly.

Camila and Lauren both follow behind the three girls outside of the school and to the parking lot. "I love you babe. Date night tonight?" Lauren asks, beaming at her excitedly and Camila just about melts at how adorable the girl before her is. Despite how much Lauren attempts to act like a badass around everybody else, all she is really is to Camila is a cute dork and the younger girl can't find it more adorable that Lauren thinks she is a badass. Most people actually think that she is, they don't know her personally. It makes Camila laugh that some people are intimidated by Lauren because if Lauren was in a fight with a fly then the fly most probably would win. However she does know how to build up her anger and hurt somebody when it is most needed, for example if anybody hurt Camila then there is a high possibility that the person would come to school with a broken bone the next day. Only for Camila though, she'll only hurt someone for Camila.

The brown eyed girl steps closer to Lauren and places her hand on the flushed cheeks. "I love you too honey and so does the little peanut." She whispers the last part of her sentence so that it isn't heard by the thee girls that are now piled into the car and waiting for them, unable to leave because it is actually Lauren's car. Butterflies erupt in the fit of her stomach and her cheeks begin to hurt because of how wide she is smiling. "Movies and pizza night at mine? My parents shouldn't be home because they are supposedly taking Sofia to the movies and her dance classes."

Lauren furrows her eyebrows. "Did they not invite you?" She asks when Camila begins playing with her fingers. Camila shakes her head whilst avoiding eye contact with Lauren but the older girl instantly notices that her features sadden at the reminder she is left out of most family activities. "Don't worry about it love." She whispers and leans forward to capture the pink inviting lips between her own gently. Camila allows her frown to immediately turn into a smile and her breath hitches at the feeling of their lips pressing against each others. Lauren snakes her arms around Camila's neck and holds her face close to her own while pulling away slowly. "I'm here ok? I care and you're not alone."

Camila smiles and kisses her nose bashfully. "Thank you." Just as Lauren is about to connect their lips against the car horn fills their ears and they snap their attention to the thee girls finally. Dinah is looking at them in amusement, wondering how they could forget about everything around them so easily however Ally and Normani just glare at the both of them. Lauren opens the car door for Camila before walking around and slipping in herself. "Are you all going to Lauren's place? Lauren is going to mine but we need to speak to her parents first anyway." Camila asks Dinah and Normani who look to Ally for some approval if she wants them to stay. Ally just shrugs her shoulders and Lauren pulls into her driveway. "Lolo are you staying over tonight babe?" Lauren nods and leads her inside, waving to their friends who make their way upstairs to Ally's room before making their way to the family room where Mike and Clara are sat on the couch together, cuddled up whilst watching movies.

Noticing the two girls, they sit up and motion for them to join them. Camila and Lauren both glance at one another nervously and sit down in front of them on the other couch.

Mike chuckles at the two of them, it has been a week since they told him and Clara about the pregnancy but they both still completely freeze up around them. "We went to the hospital today and your appointment is all booked and ready for tomorrow. 11am but I phoned school already and told them some stupid excuse that allowed you two the day off." He tells them and they smile appreciatively at him.

Now all they have to do is wait for tomorrow when the reality will finally hit them once they see their baby on that monitor.

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