₱ãrt-17 • Realize

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Yoongi even slept beside Jimin to take care of him .... Yoongi's one hand keep under the Jimin's head and another hand is Jimin's chest..
Some times after, Jimin wake up and he stunned to see Yoongi beside him at that position...

Jimin POV.

He is really cute, caring guy...Whoever gets him that person will be very lucky.
Who knows who will be ??? I think I'm love with him

Third Person POV.

Jimin looks at him and smiles ..And removes his hair from his face .... Suddenly, He moved a little ..just then Jimin down his hands from his face and pretends to sleep .... Yoongi wake up and look at the Jimin and give a little sweet smile.... and Jimin tried to close his eyes tightly....

He looks at the watch and get up from bed and slightly take out his hand from Jimin's head.... And turn off the room's lights then close the door and go down ...

"Oooo God!! It's late 8.30 already... I have to go home... Poor my little brother Tae ...all day he's busy to distributed presents ...But..Jimin.
I should leave a letter for him --------
Complete" Yoongi left a letter on his desk.

Then, he goes to home and seeing that he hadn't come yet ... he immediately, called him..but, Tae wasn't responding to his call ....

After,few times Taehyung returned at home..and he goes straight into his room ...

Yoongi stand infront of sofa but he didn't notice him and go.. He followed him and asked him

"Tae!! Wait.... What happened??? Why are you locked yourself in your room?? Tae!!! Tae!!!"

He continusaly knocked his door but he didn't respond of it....

"Okay!! Taehyung.... I'm going.. When your mood is good, come to me and tell you what happened.... " Yoongi said to him and leave that place....

Taehyung POV.

Why!!! Why?! I'm think about Jk all the time even all over the road, thought about him and his everything I can't stop myself to avoid him or avoid anything related with him... Cause, I -- I !! I don't know... BUT
Why Jimin so lucky ?? It's impossible..
I'm the one who broke Jungkook's feeling .I know he'll never accept me again..

He wake up from bed and opens the door of his room and comes out and go to Yoongi's room...

That time, he was sitting on the bed reading books ..his blanket covered up to his waist ....he wore glasses and he looked so cute...

Then, Yoongi turned his eyes away from the book and looked at Tae who was standing at the door ....

"Tae!! Why you're staying over there?? Come here... " Yoongi told him with his relief and peaceful smile...

Immediately, Taehyung broke down in tears infront of him...Seeing that, Yoongi go close to him and asked him..

"Tae!! Tae!! My brother... What happened??? Why are you crying?? Please.. Don't do this... You know, I can't see your tears... " Yoongi hugged him and tried to comfort him ...

Taehyung couldn't hide his feeling for JK infront of Yoongi.. and he revealed it...

" What?? You both had sex?? Why didn't you tell me before , Tae??
I can't accept this from you... "

"I didn't even realize that I liked him ..
I was just thinking that I have normal feeling for him because of that night..
But, I'm wrong.. He had been trying to come to me for so long but I kept him away ...But now that he's slowly moving away from me..I can't accept it..." Taehyung told him with his tearful eyes....

"Why?? Taehyung! You said he likes you then why he won't accept you ??"
Yoongi hold his shoulder and asked..

"Be- be--cause !! He already has a boyfriend ..."

"Who?? Tae?? Tell me..."

"He - he is J-- Jim --- Jimin ---" Taehyung stuttered and Yoongi suddenly, interrupt his words....

" What??? Jimin??? H - how is this possible ??? But, Tae he didn't say anything to me .. Today , I was with him all day ..."

Having said that, Yoongi slowly one by one step back and seat on bed..

Yoongi shocked to listen it and his eyes are filled with tears but he didn't want to reveal it infront of Taehyung so, he act like that he rubbed his eyes but truly he wipe his tearful eyes....

"Hyung!! What happened?? Is anything problem with your eyes?? " Taehyung's red face more worried to see him...

"Nothing!! Tae... dirt has entered my eyes so water is falling from my eyes ..You don't have to worry about me.. You go and take some rest... Today! You'll suffer many things..." Yoongi keep fake smile on his face ....

"Okay!! Hyung... Take care"

Having said that, Taehyung left his room and he goes to his room..

Yoongi POV.

Jimin!! Why ?? Why?? You hide from me your relationship with Jungkook ...
I didn't do anything wrong with you..You could tell me about that.. OMG that letter.. I'll go to his house and take that from him, But , now.. I'll be never interfere between you and Jungkook... I'll keep Taehyung away from you two... I wish your great happiness...


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