₱ãrt-19 • Clarify

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Third Person POV.

Jimin opened the door and was surprised to see the man standing outside ...

"You!!" Jimin surprisingly asked Yoongi

"Yes!! Me... " Yoongi replied him with lower voice..

"What happened?? Why do you look so upset ??" Jimin worriedly asked him..

"Huhh !! Nothing... I'm just tired.. By the way I'm here for something else.." Yoongi try to change this topic..

" Oo! Please come inside.. "

According to his word, Yoongi goes inside..and sat on sofa ,before that he saw that the letter he had given Jimin had been read already ... Jimin made coffee and gave him and he also sat infront of him on sofa...

"Yes!! Yoongi..say what you want to discuss???" Jimin asked him with excitement...

Yoongi felt unstable infront of him because he didn't control his emotion

"A-c-tually !! I'm here for discussion about your love life.. "

(Jimin POV.)

Means!! He wants to know about our relationship .... I think he wants to know my answer ....

Having thinking that, Jimin smiled and looked down and rubbed his head with his little finger

Suddenly, Yoongi break his day dream and said

"Jimin !! Why are you smiling?? Is there something funny?? "

"Huh !! Nothing.. but, today I'll be confess my feeling.. "

"Yes!! Of course...I'm here to hear it.
I'm here to listen your Love story.." Yoongi put fake smile on his face...

"W - what?? Love story ?? But , We have not started any story.." Jimin confusedly asked him

"You've been in love for so long, you haven't made any moment ...??"

"Sorry.. I'm literally confused..Whom have I been loving for so long ???
Who are you talking about ??" Jimin turn into serious mood...

" Such a drama Prince..you are.. I'm taking about You and Jungkook.. Tae told me everything .... "

"What?? Me and Jungkook?? no,no it's not true.." Jimin utterly denied it..

"Oh !! calm on ,Jimin.. You think about my letter.. forget it... I had fun with you .." Having said that, Yoongi burst into fake laugh...

" What?? Fun?? What do you mean?? that letter you wrote to me that was just fun...How dare yo?? " Jimin become excited to listen it from him..

Jimin, grabbed Yoongi's collar and got him up

"How dare you?? Your all things is written by you is fake.. You --"

"Not me.. it's you Jimin.. You're fake ...your all things are fake.. I'm love with you since when I met you..."

Having said that, Yoongi put down Jimin's hand from his collar and pushed him to the wall..and he put his one hand beside Yoongi's face on wall and with another hand grabbed his hand...

And, kissed Jimin's pinky cheeks

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And, kissed Jimin's pinky cheeks..
After, kissing he goes to his ear and whispering ---
"I can't keep myself away from you .. When I see you, I want to go to you and want to honor you .. But, I know this all things are useless.. I'm nothing for you..."

After, hearing that Jimin put up his hand and hugged him and said --

"I Love you.. You're everything for me.
You're my first love.. I'm only love you.. I don't love Jungkook.. I'm just act as an lover of Jungkook..." Jimin utterly clarify his thoughts

Yoongi, immediately put down his hand from his back and release him and exciedly asked him..

"What?? Fake lover?? I'm confused.."
Yoongi frowned ..

"Okay !! I'll be explain you all.. can we seat over there??"

They went to the sofa and sat down and he told all the stories .....

"Means!! Jungkook also love Taehyung.. You and Jungkook are not lovers ... Right.."

Immediately, Yoongi again hugged Jimin...and hold his face and Jimin looked so cute at that position..

and hold his face and Jimin looked so cute at that position

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"Thank you so much, Jimin.. You did all things for my brother and for his happiness.. I am very lucky that I'll get you as my life partner.."

Saying that, Yoongi and Jimin closed their eyes and Yoongi put his face near to Jimin's face and his excited breathe touch his pinky lips and after that Yoongi touch his sensitive part of his face and Jimin enter his lower lips into Yoongi's mouth and they kissed each other....

Saying that, Yoongi and Jimin closed their eyes and Yoongi put his face near to Jimin's face and his excited breathe touch his pinky lips and after that Yoongi touch his sensitive part of his face and Jimin enter his lower lips into Yoongi's mouth...

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