Chapter 2- I'm Not Sorry

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A/N Sorry for any typos!  (In all chapters) Enjoy! :)

Ian's POV

I was worried the night would be super akward after the weird start, but Anthony and I seemed to be getting along fine after the "Please Don't Leave Me" incident. At least I thought we were doing fine until Anthony sighed and paused the video game we were playing.

"Ian, we need to talk." he said not looking at me.

"What about?" I questioned.

"Ian, I'm not sure how this will effect our friendship, but it is something that needs to be said. Kalel has been cheating on me." He looked up at me and continued. " I know she is and have caught her multiple times, yet I can't break up with her. I have to keep using her to cover up my sexuality."

I must have looked shocked, because he paused and stared wide eyed at me. I processed his words. He needs to cover up his sexuality? Wait that means..

"You're gay." I stated

"Yes Ian, I am gay. And I am in love with this guy... and I don't know how to tell him. Could you help me?"

Anthony's POV

I chickened out. I couldn't just tell Ian, my long term best friend, that I loved him. So, I figured asking him how he would like me to tell him was the next best option.

" Anthony..." he sighed."I would just straight out tell him. The guy deserves to be told the truth straight forward."

"Okay then, but what if I am still really nervous and it comes wrong?" I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

"I'm sure he will get the idea Anthony. Do you know if he is gay or not though?" Ian looked geniunely intrigued to hear my answer.

" Not really. I hope so,obviously." I let out a bitter laugh.

" Just go call him and tell him dude. The longer you wait, the more you'll regret it." Ian encouraged.

"Okay, I will!" With that, hopped of the couch and ran to my old bedroom. I sat down on the bed hearing my heart hammering in my chest. I slowly took my phone out of my pocket with my shaky hand. I took a deep breath and hit call....

Ian's POV

I couldn't help but feel jealous that this guy had all of Anthony's affections. I was about to go tell him to not do it, out of selfishness, but then my phone started to ring. The caller ID said Anthony. What? I hit answer.

"Ian Andrew Hecox, I love you."

A/N Another kinda shorty. Sorry! Not a very good cliff hanger... Anyway hope you guys like it!


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