Chapter 4- At Least We Have Eachother

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A/N I'm getting kind of bored with this story... Do you guys want me to continue? Or start a new one? Anyway, here's chapter 4...

Ian's POV

I woke up with a killer headache. Probably from the crying I did last night. I needed to see Anthony. I had made my decision.

Anthony's POV

I woke up feeling like I had been run over by a semi. I recalled last nights events and rushed out of my room to see if Ian was still here. He didn't seem to understand that I was at his mercy. I heard the shower come on in the bathroom. He was still at home...

Ian's POV

I turned the shower on after chickening out on telling Anthony how I feel. I wanted him. I just couldn't help but feel like he didn't want me to ruin his public image.

Time Lapse- 30 minutes later

I stepped out of the shower to find Anthony standing there, looking like a sex god with out a shirt on. I wanted him more than ever.

"Ian I'm going to tell it to you straight. I want you. I want to be with you. I love you. Will you please come back to me?"

"Yes, I love you Anthony!" I was able to squeak out before he took my hand and led my towards the bedroom...

Anthony's POV

I led Ian to my bedroom, never breaking eye contact. I kissed him slowly yet passionately after I closed the door. Then I slowly lowered him down onto the bed....

A/N So do you guys want me to continue? Or should I leave it on this sexual cliff hanger? ;)

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