Chapter 15- Shout It From The Rooftops

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A/N And I'm back. I might post another chapter for this fic today. I don't know if I will though.  And I can't believe that Ian is moving! No more original Smosh house. I've heard rumors that he's moving in with Anthony. One can only hope, right? :) And this is not Ianthony or Smosh related, but Congratulations to Connor Franta for coming out. Video will be in the media area! Anywho... Here's chapter 15!

Ian's POV

After the sweet moment in the car, we arrived back at the Smosh house. Anthony wanted to be alone for a little bit and I let him. Who wouldn't want some time alone after being possessed? While he was sleeping, I decided to go online and check out the Smosh videos for the week. I had an anonymous account on youtube that I used to watch our's and other youtuber's videos. I decided to do something I had never thought of doing before. Reading Ianthony fanfiction.

I typed in Ianthony Fanfic in google and found multiple links to multiple fanfiction sites. I clicked on one and began to read. It was extremely fluffy, had a little smut, and was all around good. It even gave me an idea. I was going to surprise Anthony and I was sure he was going to love it.

I quickly scribbled out a note for Anthony and slid it under his door. I raced out the door and to the store in record time. I grabbed some megaphones, a blanket, a lot of snack foods, and 3 magazines meant for teenagers. I payed and thanked the cashier and rushed out the door to get home. I found Anthony on the couch, phone in hand, looking extremely nervous.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked him after setting the bags down in the kitchen.

"I was worried about you. You left me that note, but with everything that has happened lately...." He trailed off, looking down.

"You were worried that I had just left you." I breathed out. Anthony just nodded his head, looking as if he were holding back tears. I hugged him and kissed him gently.

"I would never leave you Anthony. I love you too much. Even if you did something horrible to me, I would still love you." I finally saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. Sadness still filled his eyes.

"You know what? I have a surprise for you. Come on, get dressed! What we are doing may get cold..." I trailed off and winked at him. Anthony just rolled his eyes and went back to his room, finally the same old happy Anthony.

Anthony's POV

"So where are we going?" I questioned once Ian took us down some alley. What could we be doing that involved having to be parked in an alley way at night?

"You'll see." He smiled at me, picked up the bags, and took my hand, leading me to the roof of an abandoned building. He took out 2 megaphones, a blanket, some food, and magazines. What was he planning?

"Okay, so I figured we could eat some food and hang out, then go through the magazines and use the megaphones to shout out romantic or funny things from the magazines about eachother." Ian said looking at me as if he was worried I would object.

"Sounds like fun. Hand me those potato chips, will ya?" I asked him. After just talking and eating for about an hour, we decided it was time to use the megaphones. Ian picked up the first magazine, grinned like a child on Christmas when he found a saying, and turned on his megaphone.

" My love for Anthony Padilla reminds me of Lady Gaga. Strange, horribly dressed, and yet still a lovely person." Ian shouted into his megaphone. I playfully punched his arm and picked up one of the magazines. I found another thing to playfully insult him back with.

"I am forced to love Ian Hecox because the quiz at the back of this magazine says we are perfectly matched." He narrowed his eyes at tackled me to the ground, kissing me with a needy urgency. I kissed him back and groaned as he took off my shirt  and his kisses went lower and lower....

Time Skip- 2 hours

Still Anthony's POV

"I can't believe we just had sex outside, on top of an abandoned building." I said as we layed next to eachother, cuddling under the blanket.

"Well that's what happens when you say that you are forced to love me because of a magazine quiz. Do you think you are forced to love me now?" He jokingly asked, amusement lighting up his eyes.

"I was never forced to love you, but if this is how you react, I'm gonna make jokes about my love for you more often." I wiggled my eyebrows at him. He blushed and cuddled me closer. What did I do to deserve this perfect man?

Ian's POV

I loved seeing Anthony so happy. It was a great night all around, but waking up the next day was hell. I didn't want to wake my sleeping angel, but we had a lot of videos to shoot. I started shaking his resting body.

"Anthony, wake up." I said, still shaking him, But he still wouldn't move. I saw that he was having morning wood in his sleep. If he wouldn't wake up the normal way, he would definitely wake up the sexual way. I moved down to the lower area of the bed and carefully took the blanket off of him. I slid his boxers down and slowly started palming him. I stopped and looked up when I heard a gasp.

Anthony's POV

I woke up to the feeling of my boxers being slid down, figuring it was just Ian pulling on the blanket to hard, I tried to go back to sleep. At least I tried until I felt a hand on my lower region. I gasped and felt Ian stop. I gave him a nod to keep going when he looked up at me with lust filled icy blue eyes. I could tell that we weren't going to be going anywhere for a while...

Time Skip- 2 hours

Ian's POV

After having some fun, and taking a shower together, Anthony and I called up the Smosh Crew and started filming a main channel video. Little did Anthony know I had another surprise for him during the video and his reaction was priceless...

A/N Okay, Horrible way to end this huh? Comment below what you think the surprise is! Peace Pickles! :P


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