Chapter 21- The Ianthony Wedding

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Ian's POV

"Ow! That hurts!" I screeched out as Kalel accidentally poked me with a comb for the bazillionth time that morning.

"Sorry! I'm trying to make your bowl look perfect! And...... Done! You look amazing Ian! Anthony is one lucky guy." she exclaimed, giving me a hug.

"Eh, I don't look that good..." I said and Kalel turned me towards the mirror. Damn! I did look good!

My outfit consisted of a white suit with a dark blue bowtie and a baby blue button up shirt. Kalel sure knew how to pick an outfit!

Anthony's POV

Melanie sure knew how to pick out an outfit! I was wearing my black suit with a muave bowtie and a deep purple button up shirt. Melanie was just finishing up on my hair and she took a step back to admire her work.

"And....Done! You look amazing Anthony! You might be giving Ian a run for his money. Of course, I can't say that until Ihave seen him. You better head out to the altar, I'll go check on Kalel and Ian to see if they're ready to start." Melanie said and bounded away. I walked up to the altar and chatted with Father Matt until 'Here Comes the Bride' started playing. I turned to face the direction Ian was coming from and gasped at the beauty walking down the aisle towards me. Ian looked amazing.

Ian's POV

I made my way towards Anthony. I was glad Melanie and Kalel were helping me walk down the aisle or I probably would've fallen flat on my face. Anthony looked amazing. He couldn't have looked more perfect if he had tried. We finally arrived at the altar and Melanie and Kalel took their places as Anthony and mine's Maids of Honor.

Anthony gave my hand a squeeze and winked at me as we turned to face Father Matt.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony of Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla...." Father Matt started. I was distracted by Anthony whispering in my ear.

"You look absolutely amazing Ian. I can't believe you are mine." He whispered, while I tried hard not to blush.

"You look more amazing than me babe. And I will always be yours." I whispered back, just as Father Matt announced it was time for us to read our vows to one another. Anthony started talking and I was instantly lovestruck by his words.

"Ian, I have known you practically my whole life, yet I feel like my life never really started until the day you told me that you wanted to be with me. 2 years ago, I was a lost soul. Just wandering around through life, hoping to find true love. The day we became a couple was the day I stopped wandering. I had found someone to follow. Someone to devote my life to. That person was you Ian. I would lose everything if I lost you. That's why, with this ring, I proclaim my love for you, and promise to never let you go." I was crying as he put my ring back on my finger, free of glue this time.

"Anthony, if you would have told me 2 years ago, that I would be standing here, about to marry the love of my life, I would have laughed and walked away. I know now that I could never walk away from you, from this love, from us. I know my heart would break if you ever left me, or if I ever left you. A piece of my soul was missing up until the day we became a single unit. I still feel just as I did 2 years ago towards you. We have love. We have an undeniable connection. That's why, with this ring, I proclaim my love for you, and promise to never let you go." Now Anthony was the one crying as I returned his ring to his finger.

"I do." Anthony said after repeating Father Matt.

"I do." I said, after repeating Father Matt.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss your husband." Father Matt said, and Anthony started practically making out with me as soon as Father Matt got the words out.

Time Skip- At the hotel after the Reception

Anthony's POV

I was finally married to my soulmate, and I could barely contain my excitement as we rode up the elevator to our hotel room. As soon as Ian locked the door, I had him pressed up against it.

"God, Anthony. I want you so bad." Ian moaned as I pushed him down onto the bed, devouring his neck and hurriedly took off his clothes. I stopped for a second to look into his eyes. His icy blue eyes reflecting the lust, love, adoration, and pain of not being together for the past 3 days that was also in mine. I finally gave us what we both needed and collapsed on top of him in a heap. Both of us panting, I rolled off of him and turned on my side to look at him. He mirrored my movements and looked over at me and smiled.

"I love you Anthony." Ian said still beaming.

"I love you too Ian, more than you could ever know." I replied and cuddled him closer. And that's how we fell asleep, in one eachother's arms. Finally together forever.

A/N Don't worry, this fanfic is not over yet! And once I finsh this one, since I already have the ending figured out, there is going to be a sequel! Did you guys like how I wrote the wedding? Comment below with your thoughts! Peace Pickles! :P


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