Chapter 18- Since When Did You Get Drunk?

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A/N Sorry this is up late. My wifi was being a bitch and decided not to work right after I posted a chapter to AMSAS. Ugh, Here's chapter 18!

Anthony's POV

After an awesome morning, we finally headed home. We had a lot of videos we were behind on. I couldn't believe how unbelievably sweet Ian's surprise was. I decided I would have to surprise him later.

"So, we have 2 Ian is Bored's to film, and 2 Lunchtime with Smosh's to film. Which 2 do you want to do today?" Ian asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um... Ian is Bored? I'm not hungry enough to change my outfit just to eat another set of food." I replied and headed off to grab some mail.

"So we are doing a mailtime? I suppose we have enough to do 2 episodes, and we still have to change our clothes." Ian pointed out.

"Meh." I said and dumped out a whole bunch of mail.

Time Skip- 4 hours later

Ian's POV

We had finished filming, editing, and uploading and Anthony was going through the comments while I watched tv. All of a sudden, I heard Anthony yelling in what sounded like anger. I ran down the hall to Anthony's old bedroom. He was shaking with anger as I snuck up behind him.

"Anthony?" I stuttered out timidly. He turned around with fury burning in his eyes.

"Ian, you need to leave." His voice was emotionless.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Ian, I said you need to leave. I don't want to hurt you." Anthony said, his jaw rigid and his hands clenched. I just nodded and ran out to my car. I drove around for a bit before just going over to Kalel's house.

"Hi Ian! Wanna come in?" She said opening the door wider so I could come in.


"So what brings you here, and without Anthony?"

"Anthony got mad while reading comments and told me to leave the house so he doesn't hurt me. He never told me why he was so pissed off." I explained. Kalel looked pale.

"What's wrong Kalel?"

"You should probably stay here tonight Ian. I remember whenver he would read bad comments about you, he would get mad and end up drinking until he was hammered. And Anthony is an angry drunk." She explained, still looking pale.

"Okay, I'll think about it. Hey, maybe we could look at the comments and see if we can find what made him mad?" I suggested.

Wordlessly, Kalel grabbed her laptop and we went straight to the videos. We read and read and read, and only found one comment that was rude about me. It said

IsntAPsycho69: How could you stand to be with Ian? He isn't even attractive, let alone husband material. You would be better off with me Anthony. Here's my number: 1-593-864-7259.

And then later in the comments it said:

IsntAPsycho69: It was a dare, just a joke! I love your guys' relationship and wish you all the best! That number was fake anyway. :) I'm an Ianthony shipper! Sorry if I hurt your feelings Ian! <3

"Do you really think that set him off?" I asked Kalel.

"Possibly, even little things like this would set him off. And this one is a joke!" Kalel shrugged.

"Wanna watch a movie? I got tons." She asked me.

"Sure, why don't you get everything ready, and I'll go call Anthony quick to tell him that I'm staying here tonight." She just nodded and walked off. I quickly dialed Anthony's number.

"Hello?" a groggy sounding Anthony answered.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I am staying at Kalel's tonight."

"N-n-no Ian. Come back. *hiccup* I need you to come back." I could tell Anthony was drunk.

"I'm staying at Kalel's babe. I'll see you in the morning. I don't wanna come home if you're drunk." I stated. I heard him take an angry breath.

"Fine. Stay there. Maybe they were right, maybe you aren't  husband material." He slurred and hung up.

I started crying and Kalel found me. She sat me down on her couch and just let me cry. She patted my back and helped calm me down. I told her what happened and she gave me a look of sympathy.

"We don't have to watch a movie, we can just go to bed if you want." She murmured. I broke our embrace.

"Yeah I think I just wanna sleep." We said our goodnights and I instantly fell asleep on the couch.

Anthony's POV- The Next Morning

I woke up with a horrible head ache. What happened last night? Slowly, the memories came back to me. I gasped in realization of what I said to Ian. I was just about to call him when I had the urge to puke, oh what a great way to start a morning, with a hangover.

I heard Ian come home and heard a sniffle. I cleaned myself up and found Ian picking up my empty beer bottles from the previous night. He heard me come in and looked up at me with puffy, red eyes. He had been crying.

"Ian, oh god! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, I was drunk and I couldn't stand how that commentor was talking about you. Even if it was a joke." I pleaded. He just seemed to be be more depressed and came up, hugged me, and started crying.

"Does this mean I am forgiven?" I asked once his cries had died down, his face still buried in my neck.

"You are always forgiven. And I suppose you can call it revenge for what I did to you." Ian said, looking like he was about to cry again. I tilted his chin up and leaned down to kiss him. We still had that spark. And it was stronger than ever.

"I didn't do it out of revenge. I did it out of love for you. Even if it wasn't the best option. I really didn't mean what I said. I can barely wait 3 months to marry you. I would lose a piece of my soul if I lost you Ian. I would lose everything in the world that matters to me if I lost you. I love you Ian Hecox. I love you so much." I said leaning down to kiss him again.

"I would lose a piece of my soul if I lost you too Anthony Padilla. We belong to eachother. Forever. I love you more than words could ever express." And beyond that point, we didn't need any words, at least not for the 3 hours following. *wink*

A/N I am also quite proud of this chapter, my friend read it before hand and practically slapped me when I made Anthony say that lol. I forgive her though. New update tomorrow! Peace Pickles! :P


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