Chapter 10- Wedding Bells And Uncertain Forgiveness

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A/N Okay so I know  I promised a new chapter yesterday. Don't pelt me with rocks just yet. My internet decided that it wanted to stop working. :( But here is chapter 10, one day late. :P

Ian's POV 

I woke up the next morning next to my gorgeous fiance. I couldn't believe he had asked me to marry him! If I would have known 2 years ago that I would end up engaged to Anthony, I would have called B.S. and walked away. Now, I couldn't be happier. I felt Anthony move and looked over at him smiling. He returned my smile with a cheesy grin.

"Morning babe. How's my Fiance this morning?" he asked, emphasizing fiance.

"I'm doing okay. I got proposed to by the love of my life last night." I said still beaming. Anthony decided to go along with my little game.

"Well, he must be some incredible guy for you to say yes to him." He kissed my knuckles. I blushed deeply.

"You are incredible Anthony." I whispered staring into his deep brown eyes. And then he took me into his arms and made love to me.

Anthony's POV

After staying in the bedroom for another 2 hours, Ian and I finally got up. We decided to take the day off of filming and to start planning our wedding. We called the crew and they wished us good luck and said congratulations. Ian looked absolutely adorable in one of my t-shirts and his boxers. God, why was everything he did so adorable and amazing? He started talking and snapped me back into reality.

"So Ant, do you want a big wedding or a small wedding?" He asked, his icy blue eyes peering up at me.

"A small one with family and friends, we could even have a contest and be able to invite some fans!" I said excitedly. Ian chuckled.

"That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we could have it in the backyard?"

"Yeah! And we could have some music playing? Like not sappy love songs, except for here comes the bride when you walk down the aisle in a white dress and matching veil." He playfully punched me in the arm.

"You wish! I am not wearing a wedding dress. Unless you want to wear it instead?" I playfully glared at him.

"Nope. 2 suits then?"

"2 suits. Agreed. So what  music do you want?'

"Um... something to break the ice. Like how about some of our Smosh songs and then just other random dance songs?" I suggested. Ian looked down, biting his lip in thought. Now that, was a sexy look.

"Ian, don't bite your lip please.." I breathed out, trying to keep myself calm (yes that way, you pervs.). he unbit his lip and looked at me questioningly.


"Because I am really turned on by it..." He got a mischevious look in his eyes and bit back down on his lip. I was just about to attack him when the doorbell rang. I groaned in annoyance and sprang up to get it. I opened it and got the surprise of my life.


Ian's POV

As soon as I heard her name I ran up to Anthony. The psycho was out of prison? How? She tried to kill me and Anthony!

"How are you not in prison?" I demanded. Anthony took hold of my hand and squeezed it. In an attempt to calm me down and reassure me that everything will be fine.

"I was let out early for good behavior. I came to apologize for the incident..." Melanie looked down guiltily.

"How do you expect us to forgive you? You went psycho on us and kidnapped Ian. Then you tried to kill me, and ended up almost killing him!" Anthony said, not containing his anger very well.

"I'm not here for forgivness. I am here to apologize.I truly am sorry for all that I put you guys through. I have already apologized to Kalel for dragging her into that mess. I am sorry." She said looking like she was ready to cry. For the first time since she had shown up I saw the emotions in her eyes. She really was sorry.

"I forgive you." I stated

"WHAT?" Anthony and Melanie shouted in unision.

"I said I forgive you. It shows that you really are sorry. I'm willing to forgive you. I don't know about Anthony, or if I want to even try being friends with you, but I do forgive you." Melanie's jaw dropped.

"Well, if my fiance can forgive you, so can I." Anthony stated, sighing.

"Wait... fiance? You two are engaged?!" Melanie said with wide eyes.

"Yep." I looked up at Anthony and he returned the gaze with love for me shining in his eyes.

"YAY!" Melanie squealed. We invited her in and talked for 2 hours about how it happened, when the wedding was going to be, and she even helped us plan some certain aspects that Anthony and I couldn't agree on. When she left we hugged and agreed to keep in touch. Now we had to tell our parents, our friends, and Kalel. Little did we know how bad telling Kalel was going to be...

A/N Yay! My first actually half way decent lengthed chapter! So what do you guys think? What else should happen at the Ianthony wedding? Peace Pickles! :P

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