Chapter 13- Suspicious Behavior

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Ian's POV

After Father Matt got Jacob out of our house, Anthony and I were finally able to relax. Well, we were until Anthony said something really strange.

"Ian,did you like Jacob? The same way you love me?' Anthony asked, his brown eyes shining with uncertainty. Hadn't we already went over this?

"Anthony, this is the last time I will tell you. I never liked Jacob like I love you. Why is this not getting through your head?" I said, annoyance clear in my voice. All of a sudden, Anthony ran out of the house, into his car, and drove away. What was his problem? I ran after him, screaming his name and telling him to stop. Why was he leaving me?

Anthony's POV

I needed to get away from Ian before I hurt him. Jacob had possesed my body. I was able to talk and move myself, but he was in control of my actual actions. Father Matt, here I come.

I got to the church and instantly got a massive headache. Jacob was reacting to being on holy grounds, which I thought was strange as I had never heard of ghosts being scared of a church.

"Anthony Padilla? What are you doing here?" a clearly confused Father Matt asked me. Then he narrowed his eyes at me when I didn't reply. Then he gasped.

"Oh no! I will get him out of you right away. It should be relatively easy since his demon spirit is weakened by being in this church. Then Father Matt chanted some words in Latin and my head started to pound, the room started to spin, and then everything went black.

Ian's POV

I saw Anthony's car in the parking lot of a church. What? Did he need spiritual guidance or something? I parked next to his car and I heard a loud bang from inside the church. I rushed inside to find Anthony on the ground and a trembling Father Matt. He saw me and explained to me what happened.I quickly picked up Anthony's limp body and sped to the hospital. He was immediately taken into the ER. I hoped he was going to be okay...

Time Skip- 2 weeks

Anthony's POV

I woke up with a groan. I heard a loud beeping noise and then saw a bunch of white. Where was I? It took me a minute to figure out I was in the hospital. I looked over to see a sleeping Ian in a chair. He looked so adorable while he slept. Then I noticed he had a ring on his finger. What? I hadn't proposed yet! I shook Ian awake with tears pooling in my eyes. He awoke with a stretch and a yawn.

"Ian. Why am I in the hospital?" I asked him. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, like he couldn't believe I was here.

"ANTHONY!!! Oh my god, your awake! I will get the nurse!" Ian shouted excitedly, pausing for a moment to kiss me. I chuckled as he hurried out the door. I was still curious about Ian's ring, and still wondering why I was in the hospital. 3 nurses and 1 doctor came rushing into my room, Ian trailing behind them.

"Mr.Padilla, good to see you awake. Do you know why you are in the hospital?" The doctor asked me.


"What is the last thing you remember?" I thought about it for a moment.

"The last thing I remember is buying Ian an engagement ring. I was going to propose." I stated. Ian fiddled with his ring. I looked a little closer at it. It was the ring I had bought him!

"Mr.Padilla, would you like Mr.Hecox to tell you what happened, or would you prefer me too?" The doctor asked. I said Ian and they left the room,leaving me and Ian to stare at eachother.

"Okay, so it seems like the last thing you remember was about 5 weeks ago. You proposed to me 3 1/2 weeks ago, and you have been unconcious in the hospital for the past two weeks due to your body being possessed by a demon." Ian took a deep breath and looked up at my face. I must've looked shell shocked because his eyes widened and he caressed my cheek. I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my lips.

"I love you Ian. Thank you." He blushed.

"I love you too Anthony. Your welcome." he said blushing an even deeper red. I saw a tattoo on his arm. I asked him about it and he told me that we got matching tattoos. He yawned after he finished.

"Wanna lay in the hospital bed with me?" I offered with a teasing smile.

"Sure, thanks." He said rolling his eyes playfully at my smile. He fell asleep in an instant. I kissed his hair.

"I love you Ian." I murmured and drifted off to sleep.

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