Chapter 23- The HoneyMooners Part 2

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A/N So I may have dissapeared for a little bit. Sorry! I want to give a huge thank you to you guys for 600+ reads and 40+ votes for this story! You guys are so awesome! And once again, I have lost my ability to even from Monday's The Whisper Challenge #2. Like, can they just come out already?!?!?!?!!!?. Here's Chapter 23!

Anthony's POV

"This wasn't necessary Anthony. You have already given me everything I could ever possibly need. And the ironic thing us, I got the same thing for you!" Ian said smiling, holding up the gift I got him. He held up the one meant for me. We had gotten each other little heart charms for our shoelaces that also happened to have a tracking device on it.

"Well, at least now we can never lose each other." I replied, causing Ian to kiss me on the lips. He pulled away just as I started to deepen the kiss. He was such a tease! But he was my tease, and I loved him no matter what.

Ian's POV

"You're such a tease Ian!" Anthony playfully punched my arm, and I giggled. I flopped down on the bed with a huff and closed my eyes. I was tired and emotionally drained from getting married and taking an extremely long flight to Japan. All of a sudden I felt weight pushing on top of me. My eyes flew open and were greeted by a grinning Anthony.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I just can't get enough of you! You're mine forever ever. By rings, tattoos, and by heart. I love you Ian. You can sleep if you want, I'll unpack and join you in a bit." I nodded and yawned and quickly fell asleep to the sound of Anthony humming our song.

Anthony's POV

I hummed as I unpacked and quickly stripped to just my boxers and hopped into bed next to my husband. Husband. I would never get sick of calling Ian that. I rolled over and smiled at him. He looked so peaceful as he slept. I softly kissed his cheek and cuddled him in my arms. I slowly drifted off to sleep with the only person I had ever loved resting in my arms.

A/N I will be updating this one to the end today and then uploading the first chapter of the sequel! And I will be updating AMSAS. Not sure how many chapters though. I will announce the name of the sequel in the last chapter. Peace Pickles!


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