Chapter 25- The Last Chapter

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A/N LAST CHAPTER ALERT!!! The sequel is going to be called The Night I Found Him. It'll make more sense once you read the ending of this story. And this chapter is dedicated to styles50shades for the pregnant men idea. She made the most amazing Larry stylinson story ever based off of 50 Shades Of Grey. Enjoy!

Ian's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling even more like I was being watched. I gave the sleeping Anthony a kiss on the cheek and padded over to the door, down the hall, and to the kitchen. I yawned as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. I glanced at the calendar and saw that Anthony had an appointment to go to. He never told me why he had to go to the doctors, and he only started having to go to the doctors after the first whole year he was dating me. Huh. I finished my cereal and watched some tv on the couch.

About 3 hours later, I heard Anthony come out of the bedroom and head into the bathroom. The water started running so I figured I would join him in a shower. I walked in quietly and locked the door behind me. I quickly undressed and hoppped in with him.

Time Skip- 1 Hour *wink*

Anthony's POV

After our shower, I got dressed and quickly told Ian he had to get dressed to so he could come with me. Today was the day I would have to tell him the truth about himself. And damn, was I nervous.

We drove to the clinic in silence. Ian was being unusually quiet, but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable so I didn't say anything. I checked into my appointment, even though it was mostly and appointment for Ian. We were called in and sat down with the doctor.

"Do you know why you are hear today Ian?" she asked and he mumbled a no.

"well, your husband and I have been discussing your condition for the past year and a half and he decided it was finally time to tell you. Ian, you were born with a female reproductive system. You are able to conceive and give birth to a child." Ian's eyes went wide and he blinked a couple times before turning to me with a half angry half shocked expression.

"You knew about it for a year and a half and you didn't tell me?" He angrily shouted at me and then closed his eyes and calmed down a bit.

"Why didn't you tell me Anthony? I think I had a right to know before today." I looked down in guilt. I felt him tip my chin up with his hand. My eyes met his icy blue ones and he kissed me gently on the lips.

"I forgive you, just please don't keep big stuff like this from me for this long ever again, okay?"

"Okay, I'm sorry Ian." he smiled at me and kissed me again. The doctor cleared her throat. We both looked down in embarassment.

"It's okay boys, just be more careful while engaging in intercourse. One last thing before you go, Ian you're going to have to take a pregnancy test." Ian nodded and headed off.

Once we arrived home, I told Ian that he could stay home while I went to go get groceries. I kissed him and told him I loved him and headed out the door.

Ian's POV

As soon as Anthony left, he came in. I quickly wrote down a note to Anthony telling him what happened and was dragged out to the familiar black car and knocked out cold.

Anthony's POV

I arrived home to an empty house. Ian was gone. I picked up his note and cried as I read it. Ian had been kidnapped. And I wasn't going to let anyone tear us apart again. I quickly grabbed everything I thought I would need and headed out the door. I drove off in a random direction. Stopping briefly to get one last look at what used to be the Smosh house. Now it was just a house, Ian was my home and I was going to get him back. No matter what.

A/N It's done! The sequel will be up in a little bit. Thanks again for reading this story and voting and commenting. I am extremely humbled by all the good messages that come my way from this story. Peace Pickles! :P 


The Night I Realized I Loved HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora