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{ Ashton }

Tate was still asleep when I woke up. She was on her side facing away from me, so I rolled and pulled her into my body. Her hands went to mine and she held onto them subconsciously. I smiled and kissed the back of her neck, before getting out of bed. I made sure she was under the covers so she didn't freeze. Mom likes it cold and Tate does not do cold.

I thought I was successful in not waking her up, but I was not.

"Ash?" I heard her speak as I grabbed a pair of jeans and a button-down from my bag. I turned to the bed and saw her sitting up, her eyes still full of sleep.

"I'm cold now" she whined, making me laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I've got interviews today. I'll be back by dinner time" I promised and pulled my jeans on. She blinked then slowly nodded.

"Go back to sleep" I laughed. She immediately plopped back down and curled up under my blue childhood comforter.

I threw on my shirt and walked out of the room, carefully stepping over Riley who was asleep on the pallet of blankets and pillows we made on the floor and went down the hall to the bathroom.


After getting ready, I walked into my room and grabbed my phone and wallet, then pressed a kiss to Tate's lips and Riley's head and went downstairs. I grabbed my mom's car keys and went to the studio for our first interview with some dude named Josh.

"Good morning boys! It's nice to have you back in Australia" Josh smiled as he greeted.

"It's a great time to be back here. I feel like we haven't been home in a long time" Michael spoke.

"How's everyone doing? Ashton, how's the baby doing?" He asked.

"I'd say we're all doing good. The baby is doing good. Getting bigger all the time, learning new stuff. It's crazy" I smiled.

"I think our sons have the same name" a lady who was doing papers spoke up.

"Really?" I gained attention.

"Riley Fletcher" she smiled. I laughed.

"Then yeah they do. That's funny" I laughed.

"I found that out when I was looking you guys up for this" she laughed then returned to what she was doing.

Michael answered a bunch of wedding questions, Calum talked about Emma, and Luke talked about Sierra. Now it was my turn to gush about my girl.

"Tate's amazing. I don't tell her that enough. But she's my best friend and we've done a lot together. We've been together for 9 years now and we have a beautiful son. It's crazy how life works. I love her so much. She puts up with so much and does so much herself. She just amazes me" I smiled.

"You're engaged too?" Josh questioned.

"I am. But our wedding won't be for a few years. We're just focused on Riley right now" I answered,

"Okay, so let's talk about music. You all have two shows here. One in Sydney and one in Melbourne. Any big plans?" Josh asked.

"We're going to be playing a lot of old songs, songs that kinda got us started. We want to remember where we started and with what got us started" I answered,

"Yeah. We're going to be playing things like Gotta Get Out so it's going to be exciting" Calum spoke up finally.


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