It Is What It Is Chapter 40

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A/N So I'm gonna stick with Louis' POV again for this Chapter because the next few chapters are all gonna be Harry's POV. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you Enjoy! 




"And I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna listen to what you have to say. Your friends may be ok with standing by while you suffer but I am not. If you love me like you say you will be honest with me and I will be honest with you. And if you don't, I will walk away right now and never contact you again because you obviously don't trust me enough to be honest with me. And i can't be with someone who doesn't trust me. It's up to You. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere as long as you want me to stay here" I breath out heavily, scared of what Harry's answer may be. I see Him looking at me with tear filled eyes.

"OK" Harry says after a brief moment of silence "OK, I'll tell you, but you should probably sit down"


Louis POV



2 Days earlier

Zayn and I are sitting on the couch smoking a Joint.

All that can be heard is the distinct ticking of the metal clock that rests above the fire. But The silence is comfortable and I have no problem sitting through it for a few more minutes until Harry gets back. The lush feeling of anxiety leaves my body as I draw in a breath exhaling and feeling myself go limp against the couch.

Everything seems to be moving a little slower than usual which enables me to really see things. The world appears as if it is a bunch of photos placed a fraction of a second apart, and I feel as if my breathing has slowed down. I find that this is an excellent time to listen to some music as the weed gives me a greater appreciation for it.

Rather than merely hearing sound, I am experiencing the song; every drum beat and guitar string sends a message and resonates deeply. By now, the euphoria has set in and I feel incredible. After what seems like five minutes, I glance down at the reading on my phone which is playing the music, and only 30 seconds have passed! Time doesn't seem linear when you're high.

I glance at the clock and see that in fact I've been waiting for Harry for over an Hour.

"Zayn, Where's Harry?" I ask, slightly groggy, This was my 4nd joint in the space of a few hours and I'm not the most tolerant when it comes to weed. I can get completely and utterly high as a bloody kite after only a few rolls, Harry says I'm the cutest when I get high because I always look for cuddles.

"Um, I have no clue mate, I ain't seen him since yesterday, I told him not to go" Zayn replies and I know he's utterly fucked by the way he says mate like its genuine. Zayn and I are far from what you would consider 'mates'.

"I should've stopped him" Zayn says, pulling his knees up to his chest and burying his face in his hands.

"Zayn, you're a good friend to him, he cares about you a lot" And I know I'm telling the truth, Harry says all the time how they are like brothers.

"No, no" Zayn's voice breaks and I snap my head up to meet his gaze, there's tears in his eyes.

"Why, what do you mean?"

"If I was a good friend, I wouldn't have watched him suffer. I may have picked up the pieces, cleaned the cuts, took him to the hospital, but I never did a thing to stop it from happening. I never questioned him once. I didn't want to seem nosey. I blame myself every day because, I let my best friend down. I sat back and watched those awful things happen to him when I could have been stopping them. He was always there for me, always listened. I always said I would be there for him but wasn't there when he needed me most and I will never forgive myself. Nobody was there for him for that matter, not even you, were we there When he sat on her bathroom floor holding a razor blade above his beautiful wrist? No. When he was beaten to a pulp? No. When he was being------" Zayn lets out a sigh of frustration but doesn't finish that particular sentence. He takes a deep breath and continues, "Or even when he just needed someone to talk to? No. Because everyone was too caught up in themselves to even notice. So yes, I was an awful friend to Harry whether he agrees or not, but I wasn't the only one."

I'm about to say something but that's when the door opens and harry walks through looking breathtaking as always. I share a look with Zayn and get up to greet Harry. 

It Is What It Is~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now