4) Pack is Family Prt. 1

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Hale Pack House
(One Day Later)

Remus- Sirius, Frenrir and I apparated Harlow from the UK all the way to America in two hours time.

Sirius- Taking my Goddaughters hand and giving it a squeeze, we walk up the steps as I knock on the door. "Are you excited?"

Harlow- (Bites Bottom Lip) I really didn't have time to answer as the door was whipped open and I literally clung to my Godfather.

Isaac- Hearing a knock at the door. "Got it!" Opening the door, my eyes widen to the point they nearly pop out of my skull. (Yells) "DEREK, PETER!" I slowly back away from the two wolves and the shifter.

Derek- Both Peter and I drop what we're doing and come running. "What? What happened?"

Peter- Glancing out the opened door, I lock eyes with our distant cousin. (Smirks) "Well, look who it is. Long time, no see cousin. How've you been?" Gently pushing Isaac back towards the couch where he is supposed to be, Derek and I both step outside unto the porch.

Derek- (Frowns) I look from my cousin to his mate and their companion. "What brings you all the way to America?" Glancing between the three curiously. "Better yet what brings you here to the Preserve?"

Sirius- (Chuckles) I gesture to my mate and Frenrir. "We've been better Peter." I try my damned hardest to detach Harlow's claws.

Derek- My eyes widen in shock as I finally notice the petite teen clinging to his legs.

Sirius- (Sighs Heavily) "Trouble." I pause for a moment before continuing. "Where we live specifically is at war and it's not as safe, not like it used to be." Glancing down at my Goddaughter who clings to me. "I don't want a promise nor a vow, just your word that you'd take care of our Princess as if she was your own." I hand all the documents and shrunken trunk to Peter.

Peter- Derek and I share a mirrored look of understanding. (Huffs) Taking the papers, I quickly read them and then hand them to Derek after pocketing the shrunken object.

Derek- I take my time to read the documents. (Sighs) "She's gonna be a problem for us isn't she?"

Sirius- (Shakes Head) "No, that's why we brought her here. I knew without a doubt she'd be safe."

Derek- (Frowns) "You're asking a lot, considering you know our history."

Sirius- (Smirks Coyly) "I know."

Peter- Kneeling down to the small teens level. (Coos) "It's okay, you're safe here." I thought I'd have to try a different tactic, but was shocked when I suddenly had the teenage girl in my arms and clinging to me as if it was the end of the world. (Growls Lowly)

Sirius- Tilting my head slightly as I admire my Goddaughter in Peter's arms. (Smiles) "Harlow, we promise to come see you every holiday and on your birthdays. We'll write you every night. Stay safe Princess, we love you."

Remus- Leaning slightly, I press a kiss to the girls temple. "Give them a chance, let them protect and love you."

Frenrir- Saying my goodbyes to the girl as well. "Pack is family, I know you're afraid to get close to anyone, but let them be your anchor."

Twenty Minutes Later

Derek- Peter and I are still out on the porch after our cousin, his mate and their friend had left.

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