5) Pack History Prt. 2

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Hale Pack House
(Later That Same Night)

Peter- The small girl just vanishes after dinner. (Sighs Heavily) Not telling Derek or Stiles that I may have lost her, putting my nose to good use I scent her out. "Harlow?" Opening my bedroom door, I find the girl cuddled up on my bed her face pressed into my pillows. (Smiles Softly)

Harlow- Hearing the door open and close as my name is called, I glance up at the man I've grown attached to in just a few short hours.

Peter- Walking over to the bed, I sit at the edge. "Are you okay?" I access her for injury, but don't see anything obvious nor smell any pain.

Harlow- Sitting up as I pull my knees to my chest. "This is all just so overwhelming, I'm not used to all the positive attention."

Peter- (Hums Softly) "I know." Suddenly tears start to roll down her pale cheeks as I reach out to wipe them away. "Sweet thing, why the tears?"

Harlow- Looking up at him through a slight blur. "I'm afraid. Where I was, was never home. But I did have my Godfather and Uncle. Now I'm here and..." (Cries)

Peter- Wrapping my arms around her petite waist, I pull her into my lap.

Harlow- (Squeals) Startled I twist my fingers into his shirt, burying my face into his chest.

Peter- (Chuckles Lightly) Rubbing soothing circles into her lower back. "Sweetheart, you aren't the only one with a troubled past here."

Harlow- Having calmed to the point I'm heavily breathing with hiccups. (Stutters) "What?"

Peter- (Smiles Sweetly and Shakes Head) I continue to rub soothing circles as the heavy breathing and hiccups subside. "How much do you know about this Pack?"

Harlow- (Frowns) "I don't know much, not really." Talking a moments pause to really think about it. "My Godfather just showed me an album with pictures that had your names, ages, what creature you were, rankings and your mate." I pause for another moment to think about what else was said. "He did tell my Uncle and Frenrir about some Hunters and a fire?" (Blushes Darkly) "But I really wasn't listening to the details."

Peter- I run my fingers through her hair in a soothing manor. "The Hunters you were told about are the Argents; Gerald and Kate. They burned the original Hale Pack house down, killing our family." (Sighs Heavily) "Laura, Derek, Coura and myself survived." Pausing once more to gather my thoughts, before continuing. "Laura went rouge three years after the fire, leaving me and Derek to raise Coura as well as to rebuild our family home and Pack."

Harlow- Pain and sadness heavily filled the air. (Whines) "I'm so, sorry."

Peter- Resting my cheek against her temple as I wrap my arms around her waist. "It's okay."

Harlow- We bask in the silence for a good ten minutes and I can't help but to break it as my curiosity gets the best of me. "Who is Paige?"

Peter- (Raises Eyebrow) "Where did you hear that name?"

Harlow- (Mumbles) "My Godfather."

Peter- (Hums Softly) "Derek was a teen and still in high school, when he met Page Holland whom was a human. On a full moon night, she crossed paths with a rouge Alpha who couldn't control himself or his shift and he bit her. Derek who had the sense to at least give her a gift with the family mark. He found her and she was rejecting the bite, he did a mercy killing and it was the hardest thing he had ever had to do."

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