12) The Sun, The Moon Prt. 1

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Outskirts Of Beacon Hills/ Abandoned Train Station

Peter- Chris asked rather hesitantly if I trusted him, answering with the obvious. I now sit in his truck blindfolded. (Whines) "You can't even give me a hint?" Resisting the urge to reach up and take off the cloth from around my eyes, I forcefully keep my hands in my lap twisting my fingers together nervously.

Chris- (Chuckles Lightly) Without taking my eyes off the road, I reach over and place my hand on his. "Patience love, we are almost there."

Peter- Feeling his hand on mine, calmed me. (Hums and Smiles)

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

Chris- Pulling into the parking lot and parking, I turn the key shutting off the ignition as I climb out and walk over to the passenger side, opening the door. "Careful now." I help my partner from the vehicle, then shut the door as I lead us into the abandoned building.

Peter- I melt beneath my mates touch allowing him to blindly lead me wherever he wishes and trusting he isn't about to kill me. (Sniffs) Coming to a sudden stop I notice blood and pain fill the air thickly.

Chris- (Smirks) Running my hands from Peter's shoulder up the back of his neck to the blindfold as I untie it. "I made a promise to you." I drop the cloth to the floor as I wrap my arms around my partners waist. "I promised we would defeat this Alpha together!" I nuzzle his neck scent marking him.

Peter- The blindfold was removed and being shocked would be an understatement as my mate gifted me the rouge Alpha, he had thick chains around his wrists that forced his arms high above his head as he dangled mere inches from the floor. He had knife marks and a few arrow marks as well as thick black veins from the poison slowly killing him. (Smirks) On top of the gift, my mates sinful words promised both pain and pleasure.

Chris- Splaying a hand on Peter's hip as I slowly slide the other up his side to his chest as I tweak a nipple through the shirt he wears. "Do you like the gift?"

Peter- (Nods) "I do, I really do."

Chris- (Hums) Pinching at the clothed nub as I press my lips to the Alpha's neck. "What do you want to do first?" We've talked about it a few times, torture was Peter's thing and I was gonna kill the rouge when we were done as neither of us wanted Peter to lose his Alpha status.

Peter- I tilt my head back against Chris's shoulder. (Groans) "I want to make him suffer, for ever laying a hand on our daughter!" My eyes glow a dangerous red.

Chris- (Smirks Proudly) Brushing my lips at the edge of my wolf's ear. "Then go make him suffer, show him that there are consequences for threatening a Pack of higher hierarchy!" I give my partner a gentle shove towards the prisoner as I walk over to the conveniently placed chair and sit down to watch the mayhem ensue.

Peter- (Growls) I feel myself shift shape as my ears become pointed, my claws and fangs lengthen and fur starts to grow out in places.

Deucalion- My eyes widen in horror as I watch every move the other Alpha makes towards me. (Stutters) "I'm so, so, so sorry!" With what little energy and strength I had left after the legit beating I got from the Hunters, I pull against the chains holding me in place. "Please!!! I really had no idea, I thought she was just some plaything to the Pack!"

Peter- His petty begging and pleas were like music to my ears, up until he said the wrong thing. (Snarls) I snap at his face.

Deucalion- I lean as far back as I could away from from the snapping fangs of the other wolf.

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