11) Pretty Little Thing

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Beacon Hills Veterinary Clinic
(One Week Later)

Deaton- The Alpha's of the Hale Pack once more allowed me into my clinic and I have long since removed all the wires an the breathing tube. "Are you with us Harlow?" Administering the counter medication to wake the teen, none of us were prepared for her panic attack which caused her to lash out.

Harlow- I slowly open my eyes blinking against the harsh light, not knowing where I am in a panic I feel my magic lash out in a protective force. (Whines)

Deaton- (Chuckles) "Oh dear." A protective wall now stands between us and the teen.

Peter- Stepping closer as I gently poke at the liquid like structure. (Coos) "Harlow baby? It's us Sweetness."

Derek- Looking the Startled girl up and down. (Huffs Softly) The pups and my mate were completely enamored with the Runt and her abilities, I stand back by the wall watching and admiring the little beauty from a far.

Chris- Standing beside Derek, I watch my lover whom practically coo's at the teen. (Smiles Fondly) If there is one thing I was sure of, it's that the two of us would burn the whole world to the ground if it pleased our little Omega.

Malia- (Gasps) All of us were shocked as Peter and Chris's eyes glowed red as they bonded, then tinged blue as Harlow's glowed brightly.

Coura- It took twenty minutes, but the structure between us finally fell allowing us to gather closely around the bed once more.

Stiles- (Smiles Brightly) Running my fingers through Harlow's hair in a comforting manor. "Looks like I'm gonna have to work with you on controlling your powers."

Harlow- (Blushes Darkly) I preen under all the attention.

Chris- (Smiles) Sitting on the bed beside the petite girl, I take her wrist and wrap a bracelet in place. "Ever Argent daughter has one."

Allison- Standing at the foot of the bed, holding up my arm, I twist my wrist back and forth causing my matching bracelet to jingle. (Giggles)

Peter- Standing beside my mate as I run my fingers over my daughters cheek. (Smiles Happily) "Our pretty little thing."

Deaton- (Chuckles) Once they all remove their hands and back up a bit, I check her over and make sure she's healthy once more. "Harlow was your Witch/Werewolf Hybrid, now Witcher and still your anchor. The moon magic protected her, she's not just a Runt she's an Omega like Stiles." The Alpha's and Luna were smitten and I could tell were about to become protective an possessive of the teen.

Lydia- (Shrugs) "It would explain why she is so small an dainty and why we all feel the need to protect her."

Deaton- (Hums) "Yes, but as a Witcher she can outrun any monster and her instincts are to protect her family."

Hale Pack House/Two Weeks Later
(Two Hours Prior)

Stiles- Back Home, the pups are all off doing their own thing.

Derek- Walking into the kitchen as I wrap my arms around my mate, trailing my lips up and down his neck.

Stiles- (Smiles Fondly and Hums) I finish making my coffee. "I love you."

Derek- Grasping his jaw as I tilt his head to capture his lips with my own. "I love you to, so very much."

Stiles- Feeling more than hearing someone enter the kitchen, Derek and I pull away to find Chris Standing there. "Everything okay?"

Chris- (Nods) "Yes, I came to get some coffee."

Derek- (Chuckles Lightly) I gesture to the cabinet where the cups are. "Help yourself."

Chris- Getting a cup, I fix myself some coffee.

Stiles- "Where are the pups, Peter and Harlow?" I had noticed it was eerily silent in the house.

Chris- (Smirks) "The pups are are all outside on the porch watching Peter work with Harlow on her abilities." I gesture to the front porch. "You want to come watch as my mate gets his ass handed to him by our daughter?"

Derek- Stiles and I grab our coffees. "Oh, yes. We don't want to miss this." We follow Chris our to the front porch and get settled with our pups.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

Peter- I did have a katana in hand at one point, but where it is now I have no idea.

Harlow- After un-arming my father, I lose my katana and switch to hand-to-hand combat. (Growls) I land a rather nasty blow with my fist and then front right, kicking him right in the sternum.

Peter- (Winces) Good thing I heal quickly, she broke my jaw with that punch. (Gasps Sharply) As I was distracted by the pain in my face, I was taken off guard when she kicked my in the chest knocking the wind from my lungs. (Growls Dangerously) I allow myself to shift and take a few good swipes at her with my claws.

Harlow- Seeing him break, he shifted as his fangs lengthen and eyes glowed. (Chuckles) "Oh now this is fun!" He takes a few swipes at me with his claws, but I dance out of the way.

Peter- (Growls) I lunge at her, only to be kicked into a tree.

Harlow- Grabbing my katana, he bolts off into the trees and I run after him. (Laughs)

(Two Hours Presently)

Derek- We were all talking amongst ourselves, but all conversation ceases as we hear Peter Howl as he comes through the trees.

Stiles- (Raises Eyebrow) We all watch as the shifted wolf, phases back into his human form putting himself between us and the trees, crouching down in a protective manor. "What is he doing?"

Derek- I was amused by my uncles sudden predicament. (Shakes Head) "He's testing all of her abilities."

Stiles- (Nods Understandingly) Not even ten minutes later, Harlow appears.

Isaac- There is a ton of loud rustling as Harlow comes stumbling out of the trees, Peter takes one look at her and falls to the ground as he rolls unto his back showing his belly like a submissive bitch. "What the Hell?"

Malia- (Raises Eyebrow) We all see this very petite girl, dressed like a warrior from Hell come rushing from the brush as she pounces unto her victim.

Coura- (Laughs) "Well, you don't see that everyday." The Omega gives a nip at the Alpha's neck looking very pleased with herself.

Scott- (Shakes Head) "No, no you don't." We notice Peter looks up at Harlow with a look of pride and utter adoration. While Harlow is smirking down triumphantly at her prey.

Stiles- (Chuckles Amusedly) This is our life now and we wouldn't change it, nope not for the world.

Derek- Taking a deep breath I catalog all the scents as I take in the pack and what they are all doing. (Smiles Fondly) 'This is Family, this is Pack.'

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