9) Hanging In The Balance

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Outskirts Of Beacon Hills/ Abandoned Factory
(Six Weeks Prior)

Harlow- The last thing I remember is playing outside with Isaac, before being hit over the head an now everything hurts and not in a good way either. (Groans Pitifully) I slowly open my eyes blinking, noticing that it's really dark as there is some kind of bag over my head. Tilting my head slightly there is a cold metal collar around my throat, that must be attached to the cuffs around my wrists and ankles as I'm held firmly in place with my arms yanked painfully above my head, leaving me to dangle mere inches from the concrete floor.

3rd Person P.O.V- The girl attempts to shift positions even slightly to ease the pain in her arms and shoulders, but to no avail. It felt like forever, but it was only an hour before the heavy metal door on her mysterious cell opened and she was knocked out once more.

Harlow- Slowly awakening once more, opening my eyes I blink a few times glaring due to the harshness of the light and the first thing I notice is that I'm on the floor, forcibly on bent knees with my arms pulled behind my back at an odd angle. The chains attached to the shackles I'm wearing keeping me in place. (Mutters) "Shit." Hearing a metal door creak open and slam shut, I look in that direction.

Deucalion- Walking over to where I have the Runt chained up. (Smirks Coyly) "You're finally awake, I worried that Kali may have killed you."

Harlow- (Glares Heatedly) Narrowing my eyes as I glare at the wolf whom is threatening me and my Pack. "I won't tell you a single thing, you're gonna have to kill me."

Deucalion- (Smirks Manically) Walking up to the teen as I run a manicured claw over her delicate cheek. "You're not dead, because I want you alive." Slowly stalking around the teens tense form as I glide my claws down her spine. "Kill you, now where is the fun in that? No, girl I'm gonna torture you." (Smirks Evilly)

Harlow- His fangs lengthen and return to normal multiple times as I struggle to pull loose from the chains that bind me rather tightly. (Growls) "Why me? What makes me so special?" I refused to give this lowlife the satisfactory.

Deucalion- (Smirks Amusedly) "You've got an attitude Runt, didn't your Alpha's teach you that an Omega is nothing but a plaything to be used and abused?" Grasping her jaw roughly as I hold her head in place, rubbing my nose along her cheek scenting her. (Hums) "Your not special at least to me. Your nothing but a useless Omega for me to toy with, but to the Hale Pack you are everything! You are the sole foundation that can rip them apart." (Laughs Manically) With a swipe of my hand her t-shirt is in shreds and deep, long gashes go from the upper left of her collarbone all the way down to her right hip.

Harlow- A searing pain floods my veins as stars dance within my line of sight. (Shrieks)

Deucalion- (Smiles Gleefully) Her yells are like music to my ears.

(Five Hours Later)

3rd Person P.O.V- The teen still forcibly kneels held tightly in place by heavy shackles, fragile wrists fractured and pale skinned bruised. Her abdomen is marred by countless deep, long gashes that go from collarbone to hip. What's left of her clothes are in tatters an are beyond filthy and bloody.

Deucalion- The full moon has risen and ignoring its call, it's pull. I keep control of myself partially shifting, staying mostly human with just more animalistic features. (Growls Lowly)

Harlow- (Trembles) I lock eyes with blazing red and nearly faint at the sight of the partially transformed wolf as the moon shines down illuminating us. (Gasps Softly) It felt like days, but was probably mere hours. (Cries) "Please just kill me." My skin was so discolored in places it looked like I was in a fight with a WWE Champion and lost. I could also count all the broken bones and know not to move, let alone breath so not to aggravate the healing process.

Deucalion- (Hums) Running my claws against her delicate cheek. "You are a pretty little thing." I admire how the moon makes her pale flesh glow and illuminates the bruises an blood making it all stand out.

Harlow- Glancing into his eyes before looking down once more. (Mutters Softly) "You never really did say why you were doing this."

Deucalion- (Scoffs) "I thought the point was quite clear." I slam my fist into her abdomen as I dig my claws in and twist drawing an obscene amount of blood. "To send a message."

Harlow- Throwing my head back as I curl in on myself. (Shrieks)

Deucalion- My eyes alight as I hear her vocals reach two octaves higher. (Growls Lowly) I remove my hand and fling off the blood.

Harlow- (Pants Heavily) I stare at the cold hard floor, refusing to look up at the beast torturing me. "What exactly is this message?"

Deucalion- Grasping her jaw roughly as I force her head up. "The message is that no pack is safe, not even the elusive Hale Pack. I am not to be taken lightly and I always get what I want." I had lifted the teen until she was a foot off the floor. (Sneers Disdainfully) Letting go, she falls in a heap at my feet. "And what I want currently is to make the Hale's suffer and then overthrow the Council."

Harlow- Shaking my head to clear the stars as I slowly sit up, ignoring the overwhelming pain. (Huffs) "Right world domination..."

Deucalion- Digging my claws into the teen as I force her to stand. "You talk way to much, but you're lucky I like you and you're lucky your part of my plans or yes I would have killed you and it would have been very slow an very painful."

Harlow- My eyes widen to near saucers.

Deucalion- Her heart literally stops as fear rolls off her in thick waves. (Smirks Smugly) My fangs lengthen once more as I quickly lunge and bite the girl where her neck an shoulder meet.

Harlow- A white hot burning pain floods my body and once more I black out.

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