14) Death Wish

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Hale Pack House

3rd Person P.O.V- Since the letter from Remus, the Hale Pack trained for war while Deaton and Harlow heavily warded the Preserve. They vowed no one was gonna lay a hand on nor hurt their Runt ever again and she may be one of the most powerful Magical Beings to walk the earth, but they would still die for her.

(April 1st)

Derek- There is a loud knocking at the door and I go an answer. "Yes?" (Raises Eyebrow) The man an woman on the other side are dressed in the most horrid clothes possible. (Frowns) "Can I help you?"

Arthur- My eyes widen as I take in the sight of the man before us. (Stutters) "We are looking for Harrison Potter."

Derek- I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. (Grumbles) "There is no one here by that name."

Molly- (Gasps Sharply) "Now you listen here dog. The boy must be here, it's where our tracker spell had led us. Now, where is he?"

Derek- (Growls Lowly) Flashing my red eyes dangerously. "I am the Alpha of this Pack and have been since my mother died. When I tell you, there is no one by that horrifying name here, there isn't!" Standing to my full height as I tower over them. (Snarls) "I don't know who you think you are, but this is my territory and you never disrespect me or any Alpha in their own territory!" While they are both cowering in fear, I reach out with my clawed hands and rip their hearts out. (Mutters Darkly) "Fucking Witches!" Their bodies land harshly on the porch as I drop their bleeding hearts to the side. (Scoffs Indigently)

Harlow- Peeking around the corner at my Uncle and Alpha whom is now coated in blood. "Ew."

Stiles- I stand beside our Runt, with my arms crossed, glaring at the mess that's on the front porch. "Ew, is right puppy." Giving the girl a nudge. "Go find your daddies for me please." She scampers off into the house. "Really Derek, did you have to kill them?"

Derek- Being mindful of the blood on my hands as I huddle around Stiles, leaning down to kiss him. (Hums Softly) "They were a threat to Harlow and they disrespected me as an Alpha in my territory. So, yes. I just had to kill them." We were interrupted by Chris and Peter.

Chris- Harlow came to get us, giving us minimal details of what occurred and saying the Luna requested our presence.

Peter- Rushing downstairs, of course with Harlow in my arms, Chris and I come to a stop just inside the front doorway seeing the two bodies an all the blood. (Raises Eyebrow) "Nephew?"

Derek- (Shakes Head) "Don't ask, just know that these are the first two to have been sent asking for Harlow and their stupidity got them killed."

Chris- (Nods and Hums) "We see that." Pulling out my phone as I dial a number. "I've got my Hunters on standby, they'll help if anyone else makes an appearance and with clean up." I disappear inside to make the call.

Stiles- (Smiles) "Thanks Chris." He gives me a thumbs up, then I turn back to my husband. "If you can refrain from spilling more blood outside our front door on the porch, that's greatly appreciated."

Derek- (Nods) "Yes, love."

(May 3rd)

Stiles- It was the day of my monthly grocery shopping trip an of course I brought Coura, Allison, Scott, Lydia, Jackson, Erica and Harlow.

Allison, Lydia and Erica- We push our three over filled shopping carts back to the car.

Jackson- We listen as mom rattled on comparing the list and recite, making sure we got everything.

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