1) New Beginning

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Surrey, London

3rd Person P.O.V- The air is cool and crisp for the mid July night, a light breeze rattles the leaves on the trees as the full moon illuminates the night radiating an eerie glow.

Harry- After finishing my list of chores, I practically evaded the house that was supposed to be my home. Spending the majority of the day at an abandoned park six miles away. (Grumbles Lowly) The sun has long since set and the full moon has risen, being raised around wolves I'm neither superstitious nor afraid though I probably should have been more cautious.

Frenrir- I've watched the boy for two hours and slowly stalked him through the shadows, bidding my time an waiting for the right moment. (Growls) Two blocks from where he's supposed to be safely behind protective wards, I step out of the brush in front of him.

Harry- I stop short when this huge black werewolf steps out in front of me. (Mutters Lowly) "Fuck." Glancing from it's red eyes to the path behind it, judging if I'd make it to the safety of the blood wards or not.

Frenrir- Narrowing my eyes and slowly stalking towards the teen. (Huffs Hotly)

Harry- I don't give him time to get close enough as I suddenly bolt, rushing across the street and down the road the way I was heading. (Mutters Frantically) "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

Frenrir- Chasing after the teen, we get a mile down the road before I pounce on him as we go toppling to the hard ground. (Snarls)

Harry- (Gasps Sharply) Shaking my head to clear the black spots dancing within my line of sight. "Please..." At this point even I'm not sure what I'm asking for.

Frenrir- Leaning down as I snuffle at his neck, he reeks of defeat. (Whines) Pressing my nose to the back of his neck, I slide my fangs into his exposed shoulder.

Harry- (Shrieks) The only warning I got was a cold nose hesitantly and gently pressed to the back of my neck before I was bitten.

Frenrir- Removing my fangs from his torn flesh, I lick at the wound to sooth it as the black venom floods his veins. (Whimpers) Climbing off him, I grab the back of his shirt with my teeth and drag him off into the night.

12 Grimmwauld Place
(Next Day)

Harry- Bright light dances behind my closed eyes. (Groans) Rolling over, I bury my face not into a pillow but naked flesh. (Gasps) Opening my eyes, I quickly sit up.

Frenrir- (Chuckles Amusedly) "Good morning to you too." The boy must've been wearing a glamour and a really good one because he is very obviously a she, a very petite and pretty little thing.

Harry- (Blushes) After taking in my fill of the older's very naked torso, I glance down and notice my glamour has been broken. "You?"

Frenrir- (Hums) "Yes, me." The poor pup looked like she wanted to die from embarrassment.

Harry- Looking back up as I glance around, noticing I'm in a very familiar bedroom. "Why are we here? Aren't you supposed to take me to the Dark Lord now?"

Frenrir- Narrowing my eyes as I look the pup up and down. "We are here because this is the closest you have to a real home and no, Tom would be appalled to hear you call him such a treacherous thing!"

Harry- Tilting my head slightly to the side as I look at the older wolf rather perplexed. "But I thought..." I trail off as I look down, my fingers twisting into the hem of my shirt.

Frenrir- (Huffs) "You thought what? That once I turned you, you're my bitch and I'd just hand you over to be killed?"

Harry- (Nods and Blushes)

Frenrir- (Scoffs) "Well you thought wrong and by the way Tom doesn't want to kill you, you stupid girl." Her delicate flesh heats fifty shades of red. (Huffs) I quickly continue before I'm interrupted. "He wants you away from the true Evil Lord and away from this very pointless war. He doesn't like that you are being used as a pawn in that old mans schemes."

Harry- All I could do was stare at him. "I'm sorry, what?"

Frenrir- (Sighs Heavily) "Albus Dumbledore is using you."

Harry- (Nods) "I got that part."

Frenrir- I resisted the urge to slam my face off the headboard that I'm propped up against. "Tom wanted to get you away from the manipulative bastard as he doesn't want you to end up in the same position he's in and labeled as Dark or worse yet murdered."

Harry- Not able to keep my emotions at bay, tears begin to fall. "So I was right, my life is a lie and that bastard is trying to kill me."

Frenrir- I was never good at comforting a pup when they cried. (Mutters Softly) "I am so sorry..." Reaching out, I rest my hand on the teens shoulder in a comforting manor.

Harry- Blinking the hot tears from my eyes as I look at the older wolf, confused. "Why?"

Frenrir- Never in my life have I regretted a thing nor have I apologized. Well, I guess you could say I've come to regret how last night transpired as it could have been done differently and now comes the sappy part. (Sighs) "I am sorry about last night. I should have waited and gotten your permission before biting you."

Harry- Wiping away the tears and snot into the collar of my shirt. (Shakes Head) "You did what you thought was right, to save me." (Smiles Tearily)

Frenrir- My wolf and I preened at the praise. (Smirks Smugly)

Harry- Looking around once more, wondering why I haven't been bombarded yet. "Where is my Godfather and Uncle Mooney?"

Frenrir- (Hums) Taking a sniff at the air. "Your Godfather is keeping himself busy making breakfast and your Uncle is helping him."

Harry- (Hums and Nods) "Can we go downstairs now? I'm hungry."

Frenrir- Looking the petite girl up and down. "Not like that you are." Getting up from the bed, I rummage through my bag and pull out a fresh shirt. "Put this on."

Harry- I strip out of the clothes I was wearing and pull on the shirt. (Blushes)

Frenrir- The shirt I had given her, practically swallowed her whole. (Chuckles) "Come on, time to go scare your Godfather and his mate." She climbs out of the bed and I take her hand as we head downstairs.

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