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Hogwarts Castle
(August 6th)

Minivera- Sitting in a chair across from Albus's desk that has countless boxes and letters stacked about it. (Sighs Heavily) "I don't believe you're thinking clearly anymore. Albus you've lost countless Order members, by sending them to America and to a widely known Werewolf Pack no less." Gesturing to the mess of boxes that contain their heads. "It's very obvious they don't have the boy and you've only pissed the Alpha off." Albus was pacing by the window and suddenly turned to face me, sporting a rather crazed look. (Frowns Deeply)

Albus- (Smiles Manically) "I've got it! When you want something done, do it yourself." I head for the door. (Mumbling) "Time to bring out our pet wolf."

Minivera- This wasn't Albus, not at all. I'd hate to say it but he is far worse than the Dark Lord, it's like his morals have become skewed and all he is, is power hungry and would do anything to stay in control. (Hums Softly) "Lady Magic, our fate is your hands." I leave the office feeling like I've lost a friend and mentor, but with a sense that things were about to change and for the better of our world.

Hale Pack House

Derek- Today I have the Pack outside training. (Huffs Softly) Scott, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden and Theo are doing a four mile lap around the Preserve. Malia, Coura, Liam, Erica, Danny and Isaac are doing some hand-to-hand. Allison, Lydia and Kira are all working on their weaponry skills.

Stiles- I was inside the house, our new Pack members officially getting settled and helping to make everyone lunch.

Isaac and Danny- Something dark filtered through the air and we felt it, before seeing it. (Whimpers)

Derek- Isaac and Danny rushes into the house suddenly, I was about to yell after them but then all the pups stop what their doing and stand protectively in front of the porch. (Narrows Eyes and Growls Lowly)

Albus- I walk through the trees, pulling the chained wolf with me. (Smiles Manically) Standing a few feet away from the Pack. "I want the boy and I know you have him."

Scott- Looking the crazed lunatic up and down. "Which boy?" (Snorts) "Most of us are boys."

Albus- (Glares) "Harrison James Potter! I WANT HIM NOW!" Thunder suddenly boomed.

Derek- (Snarls) "What is it with you stupid Witches, coming into my territory and disrespecting me. And to answer your insane question, we don't have the boy or any boy by that name here in this Pack."

Albus- (Laughs Insanely) "Yes you do, I know you do." Pulling Remus until he's in front of me and then pushing him to his knees. "Harrison give yourself to me and I won't kill the Mutt."

Harlow- Sneaking around my Pack until I'm behind the lunatic who ruined my life. (Sneers)
"The first mistake you made was starting a war you couldn't finish and manipulating a world into believing you were their God! The second mistake you made was killing my parents! The third mistake was killing my Godfather! The fourth mistake you made was kidnapping abusing Moony! Your fifth mistake was coming here and thinking you could kill the last of my family in front of me! The sixth and final mistake you made was thinking you could get away with any of it! (Screams Deafeningly) Dropping to the ground as I raise my hands above my head and then hitting the ground as I glow feeling my magic burst out ripping through the Witch as he burns away to ash.

Derek- We all cower beneath the sheer power that comes from the petite Omega. "Holy Shit!" My eyes have widened to the point they nearly fell out of my skull.

Stiles- Being a Spark myself I'm powerful, but Harlow as a Witcher puts my abilities to shame. (Whistles Appreciatively)

3rd Person P.O.V- The darkness dissipates as the lunatic turns to ash and floats away in the wind.

Peter- I rush to my daughter as she limply hits the ground. "HARLOW!"

Chris- Kneeling beside my lover as I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my chin against his shoulder.

Stiles- I kneel in front of the couple, hovering my hand over our Runt. (Sighs Softly) "She's gonna be okay, she just over did it and put herself into a coma due to magic-exhaustion."

Peter- (Nods Understandingly) Rocking back and forth, I press my lips to our girls temple. (Huffs Softly) "Help him Stiles, please, he can't fight the magic dampening collar."

Stiles- My eyes widen in shock as I rush over to the chained wolf who is splayed out on the ground. "It's alright Remus, we got you. WILLIAM!"

Bill- Kneeling beside our Luna. "Right here mom." I set the med-kit between us as I help Remus to sit up a bit and begin to unweave the intricate wards on the collar.

Stiles- Bill uses his magic to break some of the wards, then halfway through the process I press my fingers to the collar and break it off completely. "You're free once more."

Remus- The heavy collar falls to the ground and my magic surges as my inner wolf itches to run. (Sighs Happily) "Thank you." I finally get a good look a those around me and see the original Hale Pack, Harlow and the missing Weasley boys. "Am I missing something?"

Stiles- He was rubbing at his raw and reddened throat, pushing his hands away as I rub on some medicated lotion and wrap it with ace bandaging. (Hums) "You're home now, right where you belong."

Remus- (Smiles Tearily) "Home."

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