Chapter 9 - Awake

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Ahri's head snapped up at the sound of him closing the door. Her eyes were filled with hope, so he eased her worries with a small smile, "She obtained some horrible injuries to her neck, but out of the three of you obtained the least physical injury's and most psychological injuries," he told her softly.

Ahri let out a tiny whine, "I want us to be moved into the same room, I need to see them, please?" she begs her mom, tears welling up in her eyes. Her mom sighs, "I knew you'd ask this; they'll move all of you to a community room once you're all stable," her mother explained.

Seokjin started to explain how he found Ahri and her bandmates after trying to call them multiple times when he was interrupted. There was a thud outside the door, followed by intensive shushing.

"Who's outside?" Ahri asked, sounding like a small child. Seokjin thought it was adorable until he heard another intense shushing outside the door. "Don't bother, Kai. It's just Namjoon, the four stooges, and Yoongi most likely," Seokjin stop's Kai from checking the door.

The boy froze in shock. His bias was on the other side of this door. Ahri seemed to sense his internal fanboy before Seokjin could even process it, luckily his anxious self, ran for cover, and tried to find something to cover his Cooky Pyjamas with.

Seokjin watched the child in mild shock, while Ahri tried to imitate a grin, but her face was squashed into a more pouty expression because of the bandage, and trying really hard not to giggle, "Neh, Kai, your bias is outside," she teased him in a low voice, causing the boy to panic even more. She guessed that she might have looked insane, thanks to Seokjin's concerned expression.

The door started to open and the boy leapt under the bed, causing Ahri to wheeze, trying really hard not to laugh. Seokjin, on the other hand, was giving the bottom of the bed an offensive and rather dirty look, followed by a scoff.

"Hyung...?" Namjoon asked attentively, holding back the curious lot behind him, back. Seokjin grimaced, he didn't want his aunt to meet his bandmates yet. He was just about to shoo them out when his aunt invited them inside.

It was like a barricade was lifted; the four members ducked underneath Namjoon's arms and fell around Ahri's bed like worshipers. Yoongi strolled in like he owned the place, after shoving Namjoon aside.

Jimin and Taehyung were firing off question after question at the end of her bed, and Hoseok was softly petting her right arm, where Seokjin was holding her hand. Jungkook, on the other hand, was slightly hidden behind Hoseok but mimicked him at patting her upper arm, extremely softly, hesitantly, unsure if he was allowed to touch her.

Seokjin's face turned red in anger or embarrassment, he wasn't quite sure, "Eun-Min-Imo, I'm terribly sorry for my group mates. They're horribly childish," he tells his aunt, bowing slightly.

"Seokjin... My son is hiding underneath my daughter's hospital bed, your friends being silly doesn't affect me in the slightest," she tells Jin, flatly, electing a squeak from under the bed.

Ahri couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed her tiny window wiper laugh, nearly crying when she felt the pain of her ribs. "Yah! Don't laugh, I said!" Seokjin scolds her, louder than before, filled with pent up annoyance. Jungkook, on the other hand, felt like he was having heart failure, 'Her cheeks are so squishy! I wanna touch them!' He fanboyed in his head, but let out a tiny squeak himself.

Both Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other with similar grins and ducked under the bed, electing another squeak from Ahri's little brother as the pulled him out forcefully.

Seokjin gave them all a withering look when they pulled out a quite frazzled looking Kai. Kai looked shell shocked as Taehyung attempted to carry him Lion King style. "Woah!" Hoseok exclaimed noticing the lanky boy's face, "He looks like Jin-Hyung!" he exclaims shocked, Kook mimicking his expression, causing Kai to flail around embarrassed under the gaze of his Idol.

Tae drops the lanky boy, causing him to jump onto Seokjin and dig himself under the older male's shirt, in an attempt of hiding himself; much to Jin's dismay. "Yah! Do you mind?! Kai! No! Get out! Let go of meee!" Seokjin exclaims, flailing around to remove the scared boy from his torso.

A wave of dizziness took over Ahri's vision at the loud noise and Jungkook was the only one that noticed. He frantically got up and hit his Hyung, and slapped his hand over Jin's thick lips that were about to cuss him out. Jungkook wore a stern expression and pointed at a rather sick looking Ahri, who looked like she was about to vomit.

Jungkook quickly rushed to the small trash can in the corner and brought it to her head, just as she threw up. He pushed her red hair back with the help of her mother, then turned back to his shell-shocked members. Her mother helped her clean off her dribble, trying not to get it on her bandages.

Kai's head stuck out of Jin's shirt's neck hole, right next to Seokjin's own head. They wore a similar expression, and it looked like Seokjin had a conjoint twin, making the male Maknae giggle at the sight.

Like a turtle, Kai stuck his frightened head back into the now very outstretched shirt that belonged to Seokjin. "Why do you do this to me?!" Seokjin whisper yelled at his little cousin.

"Yah! When Noona does it, it's cute, but when I do it, I'm nuisance! How rude Hyung!" Kai complains, whining like a 5-year-old. Seokjin scoffs, "Ahri doesn't shove her entire body into my shirt, only her head, like a frightened ostrich," Seokjin explains, huffing at the thought of his favourite shirt being ruined.

Ahri made an undignified sound, "Excuse me, Mr. I-get-scared-of-everything! At least I don't look like a frightened ostrich!" Ahri bites back, causing Seokjin's jaw to drop in shock.

"Must you two fight again? Can't you bicker when Ahri isn't in the hospital?" Eun-Min asked the two brats, who were glaring at each other.

"Wait... Jin-Hyung, why would you let Ahri into your shirt in the first place?" Namjoon asked the ultimate question. The whole Maknae line stared at him intently for the answer, while Hoseok and Yoongi exchanged a knowing look.

"Neh, Jin? In which room is Jihiro-Noona?" Hoseok asked getting up from his squatting position, next to the bed. Jin told him the room number, softly. Hoseok then linked arms with Yoongi and bolted from the room, knowing that he wasn't good at keeping secrets.

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