Such a Derp

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Xisuma's POV


I was wandering the paths of the shopping district and saw Cleo's head on a pike to my right, blood splatters on the ground below. 

How horribly ironic, when there was a real war on the horizon. 

I took off, not wishing to look at the severed heads on pikes any longer. Flying up to my base, I noticed something that I was sure hadn't been there before- an entire mountain range and palace floating above my base. 

Evil X, I had no doubt. That explained why I seemed to experience a lot of lag when flying over here. It wasn't lag at all- it was my alter-ego's invisible base. I should have guessed!

Well now that it was no longer invisible, the most sensible thing for me to do was to sneak inside.

If I could get that ruby stone, I could end this war- hopefully before it started. 

I landed behind Ex's palace and drank an invisibility potion, finding him sitting on a rock next to the river, his chin resting thoughtfully in his hand as he stared into the gently flowing water. 

I wondered what was going on in his head. I imagined he was devising all kinds of evil plans to get rid of me and kill as many of the hermits as he could in the process. 

Even he didn't have the power to get rid of me. Even as gods, we don't have the power to ban anyone from Hermitcraft. That kind of thing required a lot of power, and there was only one way to get that power. I didn't think Ex would do it just to get rid of me. 

That's probably what he was thinking about. A way to get rid of me without expelling me permanently, and without killing me. He couldn't kill me if he tried since I was still a god- even without my ruby stone. 

I stood back, waiting for Evil X to get up and go back inside.

A few minutes passed and he sighed, standing up and looking around. His eyes swept right over me and I held my breath, suddenly worried he might see me somehow. 

He turned and walked down toward the drawbridge. I released my breath in relief. I was doing well- so far at least. 

He snapped to lower the drawbridge and I followed as close behind as I could without being seen.

I was surprised he didn't have more security in this place. I was expecting alarms to go off as I walked in, but nothing happened. He was overconfident and thought there was no need for too much security, apparently. 

I followed my alter-ego to the dining hall where he instantly spawned a feast on the table and sat down, seemingly to wait for Jevin. 

I couldn't believe he'd gotten a friend before I had. I had a lot: magical powers, immortality, and was even a god. One thing I never had was someone to talk to or do anything with. I had spent all of my time working on making Hermitcraft safe for the hermits, and rarely actually spent time with them. 

I suppose that was my fault, but knowing that made it worse. 

The room was silent, and I was afraid to breathe for fear it would give me away. I stood in the doorway and looked across the room at Ex as he stared straight through me. 

I heard footsteps behind me, and stepped quickly to the side just in time for Jevin to walk past me. 

Jevin turned and looked right at me, and I thought he actually had seen me for a moment before I remembered I was invisible. 

He must have heard me move, and my heart caught in my throat as I stared wide eyed back at the mutant, who looked vaguely confused. 

"I see you've decided to join me after all," Ex said, causing Jevin to redirect his attention to my alter-ego. 

I leaned back against the door frame as Jevin took a seat at the table. That was close. 

I rolled my eyes at the flirting that took place throughout the entire meal. How was the evil me more smooth than I was? It wasn't fair. 

As if that wasn't the ultimate flex on me, Ex took Jevin to the ballroom. Seriously? 

I started to wonder if maybe he knew I was here, and this was his idea of a sick joke. 

As they danced around the room gazing lustfully into each other's eyes, I stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe, watching with my arms crossed. 

I reminded myself of the mission at hand- the ruby stone. It was in my alter-ego's pocket, but it wasn't going to be easy to get. 

Maybe Jevin would just slip his hand into Ex's pocket as he suggestively fiddled with the mutant's hoodie strings, taking the ruby, eventually pulling away from him, and tossing the stone to me. Ex would look on in shock and despair as he realized Jevin had been on my side the whole time.

I would catch the stone- making myself visible again, and use my power to get rid of Evil X right then and there- once and for all.

I blinked and came out of my daydream, greeted by the sight of Ex and Jevin gracefully swaying to the music (Maddest Kind of Love), with virtually no space in between them. 

"It's a mad, mad love 

Ooooooooh yeah, you're in love

Don't fall in love..."

I almost laughed, but caught myself before I did, luckily. 

Look at me, gazing wistfully at my alter-ego and his mutant crush dance together, with nothing but pure lust in their eyes. This was ridiculous, and I was such a derp for getting invested in my own stupid daydreams. 

Even so, my heart dropped as Ex effortlessly dipped the mutant and received a glowing, adoring look from him. 

I knit my eyebrows, confused and annoyed by the emotions coursing through me. 

Evil X didn't deserve that loving look. He didn't deserve to be loved at all. 

He had killed Zedaph, brought the server to war, taken my powers, and was just generally annoying, not to mention purely evil. He didn't deserve Jevin- especially considering whatever he was about to do next, which would be predictably worse. 

Evil X didn't deserve anything good in life- period. 

I turned on my heel and walked deep into the castle, trying to make sense of what I was feeling. 

It didn't take long for me to get lost, but I didn't care. The more lost I got, the more it lined up with the way I felt. Lost. 

Maddest Kind of Love- A Hermitcraft Fanfiction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now