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Theo behaved immensely after the incident of Neo being beaten and because of the threat their papa Beam issued to them.

They also finished middle school without any hazzle and trouble caused by Theo's mischief although there were times that Theo was still involved with a few girls.

Neo remained protective of his brother and he knew that Theo is more responsible with his actions lately. Neo maybe full of mischief and somewhat a playboy with his young age but Neo knew that Theo is more careful because of his fear of their papa's threat. Neo is so aware that he is Theos anchor and Theo will do anything because he feared of being away from him.

In their last year in high school, Neo was elected as the President of their Student Government because of his exemplary academic and extra curricular performance.

Theo was asked by the committee to convince Neo to accept the nomination for presidency and because of his insistence, Neo have no choice but to agree. He also lead the campaign which gave Neo solid votes and a landslide victory.

Making Neo the student president was the best decision they did because of the numerous student activities and different programs that he have initiated together with his officers.

For the first time the student government have organized the search for Mr. Triam Academy for the celebration of their school's sports festival. Each section per year level will have one representative for the pageant and Theo was chosen from their section as one of the contestants to represent the senior year.

Theo gladly agreed because he wanted to support the new program that his brother have introduced to the school. He wanted to make his brother and fathers proud of him for his last year in high school so he worked so hard for his talent and he made sure that he is always present during their practise.

Neo always excell in academic and so is Theo. If Neo will graduate as valedictorian, Theo surely will graduate as salutatorian.

The whole school is at its festive atmosphere and all the officers are so busy with the preparation for the upcoming pageant. The sports fest has also commenced and Theo took over as the captain ball since Neo is no longer available so automatically Theo became the captain ball of their basketball team.

The whole week was spent with the different sports events and Theo enjoyed the attention of everyone as he amazingly gave life to all the events that he have participated because of his awesome, playful and quirky personality. He already has his own fan base at school and every event that he is in, it is expected that a lot of students will watch just to see him. Neo and his officers will just smile knowingly as they always witness when students starting to gather in whatever venue that Theo is in, he is really a crowd magnet.

"You and your brother are the exact opposite Mr. President, Im wondering how you get along well with him considering your reserved personality compared to his very quirky one" his secretary pointed out with a little confusion.

Neo just smiled and watch the excited students entering the venue for the Mr. Triam Academy and he can even hear some of them talking about Theo and his possible talent. He havent watched Theo practised his talent since he is also busy with all the preparations, they will only see each other at home at dinner time but they have once discussed about Theo's great voice and his awesome dance moves so he is expecting that Theo will do either of the two.

He is also searching the crowd for his fathers who promised to watch and support Theo, actually he is expecting the whole family and if ever their mimi Bell and their poppy (Lander) are in the country at this time, they would surely watch.

The crowd is starting to fill the school auditorium when Neo spotted his whole family and he just waved at them before he return to his official duty as the overall chairman of the pageant committee. In a few minutes the pageant will be starting and the eight contestants are already on cue for their entrance and production number.

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