30. Heartbreak

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Draco walked swiftly out of the restaurant, wiping the single tear that had fallen onto his cheek. Standing, alone, on the street, he used his wand to summon his driver, throwing the bunch of flowers in a bin while he waited. He was distraught, broken, feeling like he would either cry or be sick any second.

Pacing the street while he waited for his car, his head whipped around when he heard her voice.

"Draco! Draco, wait, please!"

He watched her as she ran out of the restaurant towards him, her face now bright red and puffy with tears. He smiled at her sadly as she stood in front of him and she burst into a fresh wave of tears.

"Please, Draco, please. It wasn't what it looked it." She cried. Draco had heard that so many times before, but never expected something so cold from Hermione. Stepping back away from her he frowned, "I know what I saw Hermione."

She stepped forward and grabbed onto the front of his jacket in desperation, now sobbing and holding on to him for dear life. He looked at her in disgust. He didn't want to be here, in fact, he wanted to be as far away from her as possible. The hurt had overtaken his body and now he was shaking with anger and sadness.

Slowly but firmly pulling Hermione off him, he seethed, "Here I was thinking that you'd changed plans to make it better for us! Instead, I come here and find you kissing Weasel. Is that the only way you could think of letting me down gently Granger?"

She recoiled at the sound of him speaking her last name, "But I didn't change plans. Ron did-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT RON DID!" His yelled at her, his eyes now black and stormy. "You kissed someone else."

Hermione was now sobbing uncontrollably in the middle of the quiet street, holding her chest in pain and not able to speak. Draco could hear his car pulling up, so he stepped forward towards her and she looked up to meet his gaze, her brown eyes now red and watery and she breathed heavily in pain.

"Here Granger I got you this." He pulled a small, black box out of his pocket and tossed it to her.

Turning his back on her and walking towards the car he opened the door. Looking over his shoulder at the mess Hermione had become, he spat, "it's a promise ring I had made for you. Give it to Weasel so he can melt it down into something better for you." With one final sneer, he hopped into his car and closed the door, speeding off down the road and leaving Hermione, who was now doubled over it pain, weeping in the street.

Hermione struggled to breathe. Every ounce of air had been knocked out of her and now her sobs made it impossible for her to breathe properly. Holding the small, black box tightly in her hand she threw one devastated look at the restaurant and disappeared with a crack. Heading to the only other place she could think of for help.


Ginny was standing at the kitchen sink when she heard the familiar crack of someone apparating. Staring out the window in horror, she watched Hermione stumble through their garden, looking like she was wounded.

"Mione!" Ginny yelled as she ran out to meet the girl. Hermione was sobbing, her hair disheveled and her face red and wet with tears. Ginny grabbed Hermione around the shoulders and guided her in to take a seat in the house.

Ginny sat next to Hermione and stroked her hair softly. "Mione," she whispered lovingly and worriedly, "what's happened?" She sobbed harder and louder, unable to hold up her body anymore she collapsed forward to lay her face on the cool wood of their dining table. Ginny continued to stroke her hair. Without getting up, she waved her wand, sending an urgent Patronus to Harry who was at his office finishing up a report.

"Come home now. It's Hermione." It repeated back to her quietly, before galloping off majestically towards the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione's sobs started to soften. Ginny continued to rub her back and stroke her hair as she slowly came back to life. Sitting up, Hermione wiped her eyes, which were now puffed and swollen. Her skin was blotchy and red, with just the engraved tracks of tear marks running down her cheeks. Her hair was a mess, wiry and wild from the stress.

Hermione sniffled, and wiped her nose with a tissue she conjured, "Thank you Ginny. I'm sorry for barging in like this."

"Hermione don't be silly," she replied softly. "What's going on?"

Hermione's eyes welled up again as she thought of the events of the morning. Trying to calm herself before she started hyperventilating, she breathed "Draco left me."

"What? Why? That dirty little toerag! I knew-"

"Ginny," Hermione interrupted, a smile breaking slightly on her worn face, "It wasn't Draco's fault. Or mine for that matter." She laughed unironically and looked down at her hands, biting her lip to stop the tears from overflowing.

"Wait, what do you mean Hermione? Why are you not together?"

Taking a deep breath and looking into Ginny's eyes she smiled slightly, "Ron."



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