b o u r b o n w h i s k e y

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seokjin sits down, bottle in his hand.
namjoon stares at him, admiring the beauty he hasn't seen in a week.
not being able to see him in that amount of time made namjoon want to look at him more, just him, taking in seokjin's features.

"you've been gone for a while that i thought you'd never return." namjoon says, secretly admiring seokjin's face.

seokjin smiles to himself.
"it's only been a week, joon. i never thought you'd miss me that much." namjoon laughs, his very feelings worded out by seokjin.

"i never really hear anything from you, anyway. i don't actually know the "real" you. i only know you're an alcoholic." he replies.

to this, seokjin drinks.
"i've been handling reality for a while now. i've been unproductive; unmotivated, to say the least. university is draining all the remaining life in me. doing the things i love felt like a task rather than a hobby that i found myself not doing them now. what other choice do i have other than overthinking everything and hurting myself? intoxicating myself until it no longer hurts is my solution."

his words are deep and namjoon finds himself quiet, only staring at seokjin who's staring at the ceiling.
"you don't have to resort to intoxicating yourself when i'm here to listen to you." namjoon finally says after a long and painful silence.

the reply is a dry laughter from seokjin.
"i can clearly tell you aren't used to this," he says, waving his hand, "you're so used to me ranting and getting angry and laughing and drinking. but this? isn't this a new sight?"

namjoon gulps.
it is the truth and he can't deny it.
he is used to seeing seokjin all angry and then laughing the next and then drinking the whiskey. this time is different, however.
"listen," seokjin says, voice much lower, "listen to my silence. you'll understand me better."

for a long while, both of them sat in complete silence.
the only sound namjoon could hear are the gulps from seokjin, and the sound of him sighing in satisfaction after drinking from the bottle.

as the clock continues to tick, namjoon just sits there. the silence suffocated him but he was fine with it.
and after another long moment of waiting, namjoon finally looks at him.
seokjin is looking up, tears streamimg down his cheeks.

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