•I think I have claustrophobia•

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Leafy wakes up in a shiver. She's crammed in cage in a cold, dark, and tiny room with an old flickering ceiling lamp. She sees a circular silhouette.
Leafy: Golfball, it's been 7- no, nearly 8 years since I stole Dream Island. WHY are you still hunting me down for it?
Mysterious figure: LOL XD HAHA
Leafy: ...??
Mysterious figure: Loify are yoiu blind
Leafy: oh god fucking damnit what do you want Bubble
Bubble: Yoiu should've gotten me moiy yoyleberries by now. What's taken yoiu so long?
Leafy: Bubble it's only been 28 minutes leaf me alone
Bubble: That pun was so terrible that I've decided suicide is the only path I can take.
Leafy: What. Grabs cage bars Well-
The cardboard cage collapsed.
Leafy: It was cardboard this entire time? Eh, whatever, time to get moving.


Leafy approaches a temple in the middle of a jungle. It has a stone door with slots for 3 gems. There's a podium carved below the gem slots. There are 1⅔ dozen gems with a perfect fit in the gem slots on her right. The message reads... something in Roboty language.
Leafy: Whoever made this thing must think I'm stupid. Of course I'd know that!
Leafy puts the gems into the door in both the right spots and in the right order. The door opens.

What's beyond the door? Find out tomorrow.

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